
Theses/Dissertations from 2013

Drama therapy in the high school theater arts classroom: helping a generation of students suffering from anxiety and depression, Louisa Cadwell

How to integrate movement into a traditional unit study of Arkansas history, Rachel K. Caldwell

Teaching creativity and individuality in a high stakes testing environment, CeAnna Christen

Communicating thinking with multiple representations in a math classroom, Jonathan E. Friedman


Differences Between Curriculum-Based Service-Learning and Off-Campus Service-Learning Opportunities Based on Students' Reflections on Their Experiences, Carly Gates-Vickery DeLeu

Developing a system for planning units to support inquiry-based elementary science curricula, Kelly L. Gibson

Strong readers and writers know the world and have a voice: an analysis to guide transformative critical inquiry in the English language arts classroom, Teresa Ann Gloppen

The experiences of teaching evolutionary theory in secondary classrooms in Minnesota, Patrick Hartman

A mixed methods study of language arts curriculum in four German immersion kindergarten programs, Elena A. Heindl

Kindergarten guided math curricular supplement: an effort to help close the achievement gap, Kathryn Eleanor Hulse

Understanding the impact of professional learning communites [sic] on teacher instructional practices, Eric J. Jameson

Creating a system to increase achievement in ninth grade intermediate algebra, Jonathan T. Janssen

How to integrate literary theory into high school language arts curriculum to enhance student interaction with the texts, Benjamin R. Kirkham

The perceived barriers affecting female participation in secondary physical education, Colleen Marie Knoflick

Teaching with the brain in mind: where neuroscience meets education, Jessica Ley

Modifying reading curriculum to increase literacy achievement in adolescent African American males, Maria Manthei

Modifying Thinking Through Geography strategies for human geography students, Emily Martin Yang

The effect of research-aligned reading programs on the self-efficacy beliefs and reading engagement of English language learners, Nicole L. May

The teacher's position on the importance of multicultural literature in the classroom and its correlation to the classroom library, LaToya McKoy

The teacher's role: assisting students with coping with parental mental illness, Megan Mulder

Comprehensive sex education: is it being taught in a school district where it is mandated by policy and educational standards?, Elisabeth L. O'Connell

Developing the entrepreneurial mindset and toolkit of the secondary student: an entrepreneurship education curriculum, Christopher Ohland

Examining students' digital literacies in a hybrid classroom environment, Bobbie S. Olson

Using learning preference to improve the orientation process of newly hired registered nurses, Rebecca Jeanne Persons

Integrating physical activities into the classroom, Michelle D. Phillips

Integrating new literacies into a 7th grade reading curriculum to build background knowledge for high-poverty students, Laura M. Ramsborg

Making the decision to academically redshirt: a parent's perspective, Tammy Sloth

How service-learning in social studies increases the overall academic success and civic engagement of students, Daniel M. Solomon

Improving reading to improve math: visualization and mathematical problem-solving, Sarah A. Swanson-Hysell

Violence prevention and preparation in three Minnesota schools, Arielle L. Thiebeault

Determining the effectiveness of a college-readiness course on high school students' postsecondary education and future career goals, Sonya M. Travanty

What curriculum should be taught in the sixth grade general music classroom, Tiffany Jean Van Vooren

Theses/Dissertations from 2012

Parental choice in immersion education, Hannah Grace Adams

Leadership of an after-school theater program at a high school, Clifford Max Athorn

How to develop a third grade integrated social studies and language arts curriculum for a dual immersion program, Rebecca Bellew

Multi-age peer teaching and students' attitude toward science, Erica Louise Bentley

Lived experiences of white, standard American English teachers in predominantly black classrooms, Nicole Marie Fritz Blake

How can a middle-school life science unit about the Mississippi River incorporate place-based education, Anna L. Butler

Designing a summer school curriculum that builds background knowledge to increase English learner vocabulary, Ann M. Cadwell

Math intervention: teaching 2nd grade math in a 4th grade classroom, Gina B. Childs

Effective interdisciplinary instruction in a second grade classroom, Daniel P. Church

Recasts and English language proficiency, Ellen Deutscher

From good to great: the student achievement effects of implementing a data-driven instructional system at an urban charter school, Brian S. Duggan

Building parent-school partnerships that improve kindergarten readiness for immigrant and English learner students, Madaline R. Edison

Connecting mathematics through innovative tools, Sandra Kay Flint

The daily five: growing independent readers and writers, Elizabeth A. Foerster


Digital culture: An autoethnographic report on assimilation and self-change, Kirsten M. Foslien

The use of folk literature by foreign language teachers to promote positive social behaviors, Jolie A. Foster

Implementation of service-learning into a social studies curriculum, Anne E. Freese

Using nonlinguistic representations to support the oral and written expression of fourth grade students, Anne M. Gardner

The school's role in supporting pregnant and parenting Latina students, Lindsey Ann Garelick

Reading recovery strategies that improve first grade students' literacy achievements, Laura Grundmeier

Driving inquiry with technology: a new approach to high school science, Lori Renelle Haak

In what ways does freeplay and movement positively impact learning in the K-3 classroom?, Kathryn Hanacik

Meeting the needs of newcomer English language learners: teacher and student perceptions, Anna M. Hermann

How can a third grade social studies curriculum be developed using role-playing and simulations as a major instructional strategy?, Angela L. Huckleby

Promoting moral reasoning in a K-6 group discussion setting through children's literature-based moral dilemmas, Ashley Hull Duen_as

Moving from points to proficiency: adopting standards-based grading and classroom practices, Patrice Ann. Husak

It's not too late: a resource guide designed to teach and motivate middle school struggling readers, Allison Heille Jenson

It takes a village to raise a child: exploring the prevalence of community assets among rural Ugandan youth, Emily Kate Kjesbo-Johnson

A study of how the attitudes and beliefs of Hispanic children and their families about the Spanish language may affect the Spanish fluency level of the children, Amanda Lescas

Integrating outdoor education into a school setting, Matthew P. Lind

Collaborating to meet the needs of English learners, Kristin M. Lindstam

How can stations and technology be incorporated into a middle school science curriculum?, Katie J. Myster

The multicultural bullet: race relations curriculum for teacher education programs, Jory A. Nagel

Orton-Gillingham based reading instruction: effectiveness with elementary special education students, Kelsie Onyango

Nature centers: how are they adjusting to meet graduation standards?, Cristina Palmisano

Curriculum design that combines an organized scaffold system with tiered introductory lessons to support behavior management of a high school biology course, Shaun Thomas Parks

Increasing confidence, motivation and interest in math through an interdisciplinary dance-algebra project, Jenny Lynn Pennaz

Motivating French students to become life-long learners, Erin L. Pierce

Instructional methods in the kindergarten classroom: where we have been and where we are going, Matthew Paul Proulx

Motivating adolescents to increase their leisure reading, Caitlin J. Scallon

Increasing student oral proficiency in a secondary foreign language classroom, Lydia M. Scheiber

Character Development: what role does it play in the classroom?, Kathryn Schwartz

How do elementary school teachers use the everyday mathematics curriculum?, Jeffrey Adam Schwenn

Class size and high school teachers' satisfaction and self-efficacy, Christine Schwichtenberg

Relational aggression: fifth grade teachers' perceptions of the social interactions of their female students, Rachael T. Sebold

A comparative analysis of the standards, curriculum, and textbooks for teaching fourth grade mathematics in Minnesota, USA, and Gujarat, India, Javnika Rahul Shah

Merit pay in Minnesota: teachers' perceptions of quality compensation, Patrick Tanis

Nonviolent communication as reflective practice in education, Gregory Nelson Tippett

Incorporating interactivity into primary mathematics, Emily A. Trapp

How do students describe the effects of the Jostens Renaissance rewards and recognition program on their academic experience?, Alanna Walen

Resilience factors in urban special educators, Katie L. White

ELL and classroom teacher perspectives on co-teaching reader's workshop, Ashley M. Witte Lichte

Theses/Dissertations from 2011

Bridging English language learners' literacy skills, Daniel Chaves Aamot

Nonverbal communication and its effectiveness on classroom management in the middle level, Cassandra Anderson

How technology can enhance student learning during a World War II unit, Jenee M. Bartosh

How computer-mediated communication and integrated performance assessment can increase motivation in a high school foreign language classroom, Lynnae Bina

Elementary school children's reactions to parental suicide and educators' preparedness to support them adequately, Carolin Bindert

Effective freshman transition: a building block for high school success, Kimberly S. Briske

Training in and implementation of reading strategies in world language classrooms at Bogan College Preparatory High School in Chicago, Illinois, Nathan John Campbell

How to integrate literary theory into a tenth grade English curriculum based on Minnesota graduation standards, Jennifer Curran

Sibling perceptions of amicable parental divorce: a case study, Julie E. Dalle

Transferring the readers-writers workshop model to a primary math curriculum, Anne M. Erickson

Over the counter drugs in schools, Jodie Fox

Does professional development motivate teachers to implement new strategies in the classroom?, Peter Fuller

Exploring the visual arts and early writing skills in an elementary immersion environment, Hannah Geimer

Student voice in outdoor education programs within alternative schools, Jennifer Goepfert

Mastering math facts: intervention, Jean M. Hartneck

Best practices for starting schools: learning from the wisdom of school founders and principals, Timothy E. Hereid