Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Exploring Attitudes toward Teacher Led Parent Advocacy Models that Address Racial Education Inequity, Paula Yadel Cole
Leadership as a Holistic Model in Education, Carlos A. da Cruz
How can the 5-E Learning Cycle Model of Instruction Be Used to Develop a Differentiated Science Unit on Evolution Based on Six Minnesota Evolution Standards?, Monica Christine Digre
Teaching Health Literacy To Underrepresented Adolescents: A Curriculum For High School Advisory Teachers, Anya Dmytrenko
Analyzing How Involvement in Extra Curricular Activities Impacts Student Achievement, Lee Michael Engstrom
Presenting Evolution in Public Schools; Is It indisputable?, Paul Andrew Erdman
Goals in Multicultural Education: Toward a More Gender-Inclusive U.S. History Curriculum, Caroline L. Erickson
The Necessity of Parent Involvement in Education: One Teacher's Personal Experiences, Leatitia Leigh Exner
Intertextual Connections in Text Sets: Creating Common Core Curriculum for Middle School Readers, Karissa Anne Finley
Creating Picture Books that Feature Children Parented by Same-Sex Partners, Kira Lenore Fischler
Education and Trauma: How Schools can Successfully Educate Students Suffering from the Effects of Trauma, Amy Josephine Fox
How Can Personalized Learning Devices Be Used to Best Support English Learners in the Middle School Classroom?, Laura Jolin Franke
Young Adult Saudi Learners with Low-Level Literacy, Randy Allen Heuring
The Integration Of Social And Emotional Learning And Literacy, Sarah Marie Kennon Hippert
When and why do native English speaking students in a Spanish immersion setting switch into English during math instruction?, Samantha Marie Judith Holland
Effective Teacher Performance Evaluation Systems and the Twin Cities Metro Area: Are local public schools using research-based valued practices?, Jeffrey Philip Escen Holtz
The Effect of the Mastery Learning Approach on Student Motivation in Middle Level Science, Phillip Jeffrey Hutcheson
The Correlation between Athletic Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Intrinsic Motivation of Student Athletes at the Secondary Level, Rebecca Lee Jelenc
Strategies to Increase Background Knowledge in a Secondary Language Arts Classroom, Sarah Loraine Kisiah
Integrating Human Culture, Community, and Sense of Place Into an Existing High School Environmental Studies Curriculum, Kathy Allen Kline
Use of Inquiry-Based Learning in a Content-Based Physical Science Course for English Language Learners, Otto Joseph Kraus
How Thinking Maps Impact the Integration of Knowledge and Ideas within Primary Readers, Erica Jamie Li
How Incorporating Physical Activity and Movement into the Kindergarten Curriculum Will Help to Keep Students Engaged and Increase Their Academic Success, Katie M. Lockrem
Teaching MLA Formatting and Research Using Screencasting Technology: Resources for High School English Teachers and Students, Tegan Skye Madson Dion
Educators' Perceptions and the Achievement Gap, Brynn Krista Peterson
An Alternative for Alternatives: Designing a Teacher Licensure Program for Teacher-led Schools, Tim J. Quealy
The Effect of the Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis on Behavior Management and a Successful Learning Environment, Kathleen Lenore Rapp
A Rhyming Curriculum as an Essential Building Block of the Literacy Curriculum for Native Spanish Speakers in Kindergarten, Laura Recker
How Does the Current Educational Climate Impact the Teacher’s Ability to build and Maintain Quality Teacher Student Relationships?, Kymberly Nicole Saba
English Language Learners' Self-Perceptions in Two English as a Second Language Models, Andrew Roller Sellers
To Kenya and Back: Examining Metacognition and Somali SLIFE in the Middle School Classroom, Jennifer Marie Sherman
How Can Inquiry-Based Instruction be Implemented in a Secondary Mathematics Classroom?, Jennifer Colley Smith
Summer Kid’s Camp Curriculum Evaluation through a Constructivist Lens, Stephanie J. Stephen Martinez
Exploring the Potential of an Inquiry-Based Science Intervention in a Korean Public Elementary English as a Foreign Language Classroom, Paul Schomburg Tacke
Supporting English Language Learners’ Use of Code-Switching in a Mainstream Charter School Classroom, Samantha Jane Turnwall
Units of Study: A Curriculum Supplemented with Problem-Based Learning and Technology, Jami Kristina Vandenberg
Achieving Conceptual Understanding Through the Use of Technology in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom, Kyle Dennis Warner
Elementary School Teacher Inspiration in Lifelong Musicianship, Austin John Wellman
Literacy and Social Skill Development: A Technology-Focused Curriculum Design, Karissa Sue Wentzel
Schoolyard Gardens: Contexts for Academic and Social-Emotional Learning, Caitlin Marie Williams
How Hope And Motivation Lead To Self-Regulation Middle School Students, Jessica Marie Winter
How Can I Develop And Implement An Effective Social Studies Curriculum For Chinese Immersion Kindergarten Students, Hong Juan Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Incorporating Moodle at an urban charter school to support daily teaching practices, Avsar Aras
Teachers' perceptions of the impact of service learning on secondary students, Norma Kristine Arellano
Incorporating Culturally Relevant Texts Into a Standards Aligned Literacy Curriculum, Jackson Carl Bellaimey
Boosting student achievement through AVID: a collective approach, Natasha T. Brown-Guhin
A modification of a 5th grade science curriculum to meet the needs of English learners, Emily T. Burt
Using a school garden to deliver a middle school curriculum, Viva J.D. Butler
Effective Interventions for ADHD Students in Spanish Immersion in the Primary Grades, Patricia Cespedes-Schueller
International teaching, Jeremy Hyatt Conrad
International teaching, Leah Casia Marie Conrad
Best Practices to Develop Science Skills and Vocabulary of Students Receiving English Learner Support, Benjamin Creagh
Promoting Target Language Literacy in the Undergraduate Spanish Classroom Through Graphic Organizers and Other Supplementary Tools, Kimberly Marie Cronen
White teacher - black student: bridging the academic achievement gap, Sarah J. Dickhausen
Problem and standards-based learning: curriculum to enhance middle school algebra, Tiffany Doherty
The effect of a shared reading curriculum on student learning, Julie Droessler
Two teaching strategies for kindergartners in full-day, urban, Spanish immersion school, Deborah Eide
K-12 Public Education to Big too Fail: How can K-12 Public School Funding be Directed in Order to Attract and Retain High Quality Educators who will be Highly Successful with students?, Lauren Elizabeth Griffin
Food allergies and food related diseases: how do schools accommodate students with food allergies or food related diseases?, Marcus John Hammerseng
White Teachers Examine Their Racial Biases: A Book Study Group, Elizabeth Heggestad
Classroom management strategies in urban middle school classrooms, Kelsey M. Holder
Please Consider Before Printing: Changing a Culture of Paper Waste, Christopher Allen Jandro
Improving kindergartner's social and emotional competence through the implementation of social emotional learning strategies, Christina Marie Johnson
Best instructional practices in alternative learning centers in Minnesota, Ethan S. Johnson
Music in the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: Improving the Whole Student Through Analysis of Contemporary Music, Kelly Marie Kennefick
Going Beyond Expectations: Special Education Teachers' Experiences with Student-Centered Instruction, Allyse Nicole Knox
The principalship, Katherine R. Kratofil
Bringing social studies back to third grade: curriculum for integrating literacy and social studies, Jessica R.H. Krohn
What Effect Does Teaching Leadership Skills Have on Third Grade Students?, Kristin Marie Kyllo
No Child Left Behind Act a perspective: are educators being pressured to teach to standardize test because of this act, Victoria Sharon Long
Reading and Writing Strategies For English Language Learners With Learning Disabilities, Natia Amber Luck
School Culture: Connections Between Staff Morale and Student Achievement, Celia Ann Magill-Cuerden
What Factors Help Foster a Positive Classroom Community?, Melissa Ann Mase
A third-grade integrated math and science curriculum unit, Joshua McKeever
Finding Homeostasis in a Meteorotropic Milieu, Rachel Naomi Minerich
Assessing the effect on engagement in using science notebooks in a secondary life science course for students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, Annemarie Julia Peterson
Using Art to Teach Spanish in the High School Classroom, Kimberly Sanchez Rodrigues
A curriculum design implementing WICOR strategies in the eighth grade English classroom, Anne Marie Satori
Social skills curriculum for students with autism, Andrea Schatzman
The Evolution of High School Hockey and Its Effects on the Social and Psychological Development of the Student-Athletes Involved, Adam William Schmidt
Classroom observations: a better method, Michael Schuldt
Measuring high school writing against college-level expectations, Nathan W. Schultz
Motivation of At-Risk Students: An Examination of Self-Determination Theory Through Intrinsic Motivation, Jessica Wittman Shores
How do elementary teachers describe the impact of writers' workshop on students as writers?, Jason Chad Sirovy
The Flipped Classroom in High School Pre-Calculus, Paul Russell Stenberg
How English teachers can use mobile learning devices to teach literature more effectively, Martha Christine Thomas
Engaging Students through Movement and Individualized Technology, Taimi Jean Tuomie Thomsen
After Eight: The Effect of Later School Start Times on Adolescent Learning, Robert Andrew Valaas
Specialty Schools, Student Engagement, and School Achievement: A Story of School Communities, Jeff Walls
Increasing Involvement and Communication with Parents of Somali Secondary Students, Treacy Ann Weldon
Strategies to teach English language learners vocabulary in math word problems, Julia Wiessner
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The effects of implementing intrinsic-motivation-focused practices in a middle school reading intervention classroom, Paul V. Allen
Promoting self-directed learning in a high school foreign language classroom, Kevin J. Amdahl
Teaching social skills in the kindergarten classroom, Sarah J. Amundson
Teacher attitudes and expectations about writing instruction for secondary English language learners, Andrea Bayadsy
Willowwind's story: using student portfolios to develop authentic assessments and reflective learning, Michelle Beninga
How does guided reading influence reading attitudes of students in an elementary classroom?, Lisa S. Bennett
A service learning curriculum that educates secondary students on fair trade, Mariann Renee McGee Bernlohr
Parents' motivation to seek immersion education for their children and its impact, Daniel J. Buck