"The Effect of the Mastery Learning Approach on Student Motivation in M" by Phillip Jeffrey Hutcheson


Summer 8-13-2015



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Joletta Falknor

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Kari Simonson

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Maria DuPont


The research question addressed was, How does mastery learning approach affect the motivation of students in a middle level science classroom? The project studied a group of 7th grade students' motivation as they completed a science unit using the mastery learning approach. Data were collected through pre- and post-surveys, observation, and assessment of benchmarks. The collected data showed that students had an increase in motivation after the mastery learning approach. Students' self reported motivation increased. The observed behaviors indicating motivation occurred more frequently. In the assessments, over seventy percent of all students showed mastery of the benchmarks. This paper provides detail about how the mastery learning approach can increase student motivation.


Achievement, Learning Styles, Motivation, Science

Included in

Education Commons
