"English Language Learners' Self-Perceptions in Two English as a Second" by Andrew Roller Sellers

English Language Learners' Self-Perceptions in Two English as a Second Language Models


Spring 2-10-2015



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Susan Manikowski

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Robert Tourtillott

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Alex Montfort


The research question in this study is, how do fourth to seventh grade students perceive themselves as learners in push-in ESL classes as compared to those in smaller pull-out classes? The research was carried out after the author had experiences providing English language instruction to speakers of other languages in a number of settings and program models. The study took place in a kindergarten through eighth grade school in an urban location in the Pacific Northwest. Students in pull-out and push-in ESL classes were given a self-efficacy rating scale related to tasks that require the use of academic English and were asked about their self-perceptions and strategy use in focus group interviews. The study concludes that although there was not a major difference in the two groups' self-efficacy scores, the scores combined with the interviews provided insight into when one model or the other may be more appropriate.



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