"Intertextual Connections in Text Sets: Creating Common Core Curriculum" by Karissa Anne Finley


Summer 7-7-2015



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Jennifer Carlson

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

David Bedell

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Lisa Meyers


The research question was, How can I design a curriculum unit that uses a text set to teach middle school English students to integrate knowledge and ideas as indicated by the Common Core State Standards? The capstone explores the challenges and steps to addressing the Common Core State Standards in reading, focusing especially on eighth grade standards of Integration of Knowledge and Ideas (standards seven through nine). Key influences for this capstone were Wiggins & McTighe (2005) and Cappiello & Dawes (2013). The author develops a multimedia text set unit for eighth grade students, using the short story “Flowers for Algernon” (Keyes, 1959) as its anchor text. Difficult decisions in lesson scope and text selection are part of the process of creating a text set unit. The unit will be shared online and available to other educators.


Curriculum, Reading

Included in

Education Commons
