"Creating Picture Books that Feature Children Parented by Same-Sex Part" by Kira Lenore Fischler


Spring 5-11-2015



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Thereasa Gluek

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Melissa Sonnek

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Janelle Fischler


The research question addressed in this project is, how can an author create a picture book for children featuring families parented by same-sex partners that provides windows into and mirrors of the lives of those families? This capstone captures the journey of one teacher as she creates a picture book for children that is culturally responsive to the Lesbian/ Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered (LGBT) community. It presents research on the effects absent narratives have on marginalized populations and how schools respond to children from LGBT families, as well as the different typologies of picture books, guidelines for developmental appropriateness, and advice on the literary craft of creating a picture book. Fischler found that writing about an underrepresented group for children requires more than literary skills and techniques. Issues of bias, lexicon, and authenticity all influence how the characters are portrayed and the narrative written.


Multicultural Education, Social Justice, Teachers/ Teaching, Cultural Responsiveness

Included in

Education Commons
