"The Correlation between Athletic Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Int" by Rebecca Lee Jelenc


Summer 8-6-2015



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Jennifer Carlson

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Amy Walker

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Jill Burnson


The research question addressed in this project is: Is there a correlation between athletic and academic intrinsic motivation secondary students ? The motivating factor for this capstone was the study of high academic success by highly successful student athletes in high school. This capstone was designed to investigate if intrinsic motivation attributes of athletics are transferred to the academic focus of the athletes. This capstone details related literature on intrinsic motivation in both the athletic and academic setting, the use of the Academic and Sports Motivation Surveys, and results of the surveys. The study of Marionville High School student athlete’s responses revealed that there is a strong negative correlation between athletics and academics. The correlation between athletics and academics will aid school administrators, teachers, coaches, and student athletes in better understanding and developing academic structures that will ensure success. The author describes the importance of intrinsic motivation, selfdirected and autonomy for student athletes in secondary education.


Motivation, academics, athletics

Included in

Education Commons
