Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Using Science Notebooks to Facilitate Growth of Science Process Skills, Jessica Mary Simon
Northern Wisconsin educators and Wisconsin’s American Indian history, culture and tribal sovereignty social study curriculum requirements, Susan Lee Solterman
Using student outdoor learning experience to enhance science writing, Roberta M. Tietge
The use of dramatic performance as a culturally responsive teaching tool in a science setting, Janel M. Weiland
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Growing minds: cultivating environmental attitudes in the school garden, Abigail Case
Impact of reading science related trade books in an elementary classroom, Michele Chalmeau
Nature play initiatives: a study of nature play areas and programs at environmental education organizations in the United States, Rebekah H. Dalen
An investigation of the impact of flipped instruction and instructional order, Erik D. Ellingboe
Does articulating the purpose of homework assignments affect parent perceptions?, Rebecca Anne Fritz
Creating an inclusive environmental movement using diverse role models, Jenna M. Hanson
Readability and environmental education, Laura Jean McMullin Hanson
Developing learning progressions for project-based learning in a fifth grade classroom, Kathryn Hoffmann-Thompson
The effects of dual immersion schooling on native and non-native language students, Tania L. Lauby
Does participating in geocaching activities lead to participation in other types of outdoor activities and increased environmental stewardship?, John K. MacQuaig
On the harbor: a needs assessment for teaching and learning about natural resources related sciences in fourth through eighth grades, Lorena M. Maurer
The concrete forest: a series of stories written to encourage urban children to recognize and appreciate the living creatures that live within the city limits, Pamela F. Neidenfeuhr
Translation into Spanish of the bat conservation and management workshop curriculum (bat conservation international), Germán Alonso Obando
Nature in children's picture books, Danielle Renee Porter Born
Nonformal environmental educators in Wisconsin, Kathryn M. Salameh
Efficacy of integrating the Christian narrative and environmental education in formal high school education, James N. Vande Glind
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
How children's books can help address misconceptions in science, Kathleen M. Babich
Strategies for teaching global warming, Michelle R. Bergstad
Using science notebooks to increase student interest and preparedness in science, Amy Borg
The use of science notebooks in a bounded-inquiry project to increase student understanding of the earth moon system, Jennifer Ruth Edlund Johansen
The importance of nature play: studies on the development of a natural play area, Mary Eggebraaten
Infants experience natural objects using their sense of touch, Jennifer Marie Dartt Elsen
Using observational drawing to build connection with nature in the highly urbanised environment of Hong Kong, Catherine Flowers
Oak savanna restoration plant survey and assessment, Pamela Larson Frink
Does exposure to an environmental education unit on conservation and recycling have an effect on students' pro-environmental actions while in and outside of school?, Jennifer Mae Froisland Olson
Outdoor ethics education: implications for boy scout training, Heidi Lindsay Groven
The effects of nature therapy on ppreschoolers [sic] with autism, Liz Huster
Impact of barriers and successes when teaching environmental education, Tara G. Johnson
Incorporating critical thinking skills in environmental education, Laurel P. Olson
Impact of a six week seminar focusing on waste reduction [sic], recycling and reducing consumption on the attitudes and behaviors of rural, at-risk high school students, Rebecca J. Reinarz
Water runoff in Willmar: Q-Sort survey, Margaret M. Schmitz
The effect of an educational program on middle school students' environmental values and beliefs, Brianne Schumacher
Outdoor learning classrooms and improvement in student achievement in science, Andrea E. Smoley
Effective science teaching methods: outdoor field investigations and classroom technology, Eric E. Telander
Using place-based observations to foster higher-order thinking, Mathew R. Winbigler
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Applied physics: analysis of the lower arm during the take-off, follow-through and swing-up phases of the pole vault, Dean R. Aurich
How science notebooks affect science learning in a 1st grade classroom, Melissa Barnett
A history of environmental education in Minnesota: 1970-1990, Kevin Clemens
Self efficacy and academic achievement across genders in middle school science, Sarah K. Hartman
Integrating place-based education and environmental education into a curriculum on the five themes of geography, Elizabeth R. Haspert
Biodiversity of wintering seabirds and coastal waterfowl at Lake Clark National Park, Rebecca Sue Heston
The benefits of taking students into the boundary waters canoe area wilderness, Paula J. Higgins
What are the long term influences on occupation, lifestyle and environmental views from participation in the Alaska Great Lakes project?, Kari F. Jolink
The impact of field-based inquiry on students' interest and attitude in science, Ava D. Lawrence
A needs assessment for an early childhood water education resource, Anne C. Lewis
Nature sounds in the classroom: analysis of its effects on student stress level, attention and on-task behavior, Katherine Ann Melgaard
Increasing accessibility to technology for students and use by teachers, Richard D. Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
How does participation in science fair affect student performance in the science classroom?, Gary E. Alexander
Increased time spent in a natural setting related to an increase in pro-environmental behaviors and pro-environmental attitudes in adolescents, Mary Patricia Beck
Energizing outdoor environmental education criteria and curriculum for outdoor energy education, Lissa A. Eidelman
Will student campaigning generate awareness and understanding as to why recycling is important at Kenai Middle School?, Rochelle Horbacz
Using student journals to facilitate Kolb's model of experiential learning, Todd Hunter
Community building and social development in classroom meetings: does it foster environmental responsibility and concern?, Elizabeth Huselid
Interactive multimedia tools in the science classroom: a summary of their effectiveness and a guide to their evaluation, Lori M. Kaufman
Technology integration in environmental learning: a photography based case study, Samuel L. Northey
Effects of integrated instruction on the achievement of freshman math and science students, Kimberly Truchan
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Effects of environmental service-learning on locus of control and critical thinking of middle school students, Sarah Virginia Bosch
A second life by design: exploration of learning theory, Kathleen A. Conners
Growing a school community: developing a Minnesota biomes garden, Diane L. J. Erdmann
A study of how heritage projects connect students to learning through their communities, Amanda J. Hakala
What effect does an exposure to nature have on students during their school day?, Valerie Jeffery
Toward a sense of place: a historical case study of the Polky Farm, Alyson P. Mack
Incorporating GPS technology in geography curriculum, Brianne E. Messick
A template for connecting field studies with animal conservation to state side schools, Melanie C. Sorensen
Incorporating environmental education into existing curriculum: correlations between FOSS science modules and project learning tree activities, Roberta W. Trott
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Scientific inquiry and science notebooks in the classroom, Jennifer S. Y. Carlson
Cultivating nature: environmental gardening identity and home gardening practices, Frances M. Kiesling
Using science notebooks to improve student's writing ability, Lance C. Kuehn
Does the use of student journals foster learning in an environmental biology class?, Erin Lauinger
Minnesota's Iron Range: the economic and the environmental impacts of iron mining vs. sulfide mining, Maria Jo Nuthak
A look into locus of control: how high school students perceive their ability to impact the environment, Lana Sue Rohrer
Incorporating pre-reading skills into environmental education, Sarah Schmidt
How do you change the waste culture, while reducing the amount of trash, at an elementary environmental magnet school?, Maureen Skelly
Fostering watershed awareness, conservation, and stewardship through the use of an interactive website, Deborah Jo Springman
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Creating an equitable climate in the science classroom with a focus on gender differences, Sandra Bird
The effects of citizen science projects on students environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, Eric Burfeind
Application of the differentiation of instruction academic model to faith-based environmental education, Heidi Smith Ferris
Can the study of bats be used to fulfill and integrate standards in science education?, Christine Ann Petersen
Eliminating cafeteria food waste through composting, Gregory Simons
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
A comparison of macrolichen species richness and frequency between the oak savanah and boreal woods habitats on Lake of the Woods Islands in Kenora, Ontario, Canada, Virginia Richards Amundson
The use of technology to enhance environmental literacy, Ian Joseph Burk
Strengthening the science curriculum in rural Jamaican high schools by using the experiential learning approach, Desmond Augustus Campbell
Investigative research: cigarette filters with vegetation, soil, and subterranean environments, Eric R. Dahlberg
Reading with nature, Lori Grabarkewitz
Incorporating reading instruction in the life science classroom, David Grack
Human by nature: human natural heritage as a guide for teaching and learning, Kendra M. Hunding
Outdoor learning as an alternative to the classroom for struggling students: does it increase motivation and enthusiasm?, Paul Jeffery