Browse this collection of Capstone Projects submitted by students completing their master’s degrees in the Hamline School of Education and Leadership. Capstones are the culminating degree work and include research that draws from the student's formal study as well as professional and personal development. Submissions include a scholarly written description of the project and may include the project artifact (as a supplemental file).
Capstone Projects are documented in Digital Commons as a degree completion option, starting in 2017.
See also: School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations
Capstone Projects by Degree:Capstone Projects from 2018
Developing An Effective Proposal For A Natural Habitat Restoration In The School Yard, Byron Griffin
Intervention Curriculum Based Off Of Fastbridge Kindergarten Assessments, Katie Gross
Students Reactions To The Pacer Fitness Test After Stretching Interventions, Kathryn Hagen
English Learner Family Engagement: Strategies For Success, Kerry Hallee
Supporting The Development Of Ecoliteracy In Middle School Students Through The Use Of Phenology, Amy Hamernick
Preparing Teachers for Their Zoo Trip With an Interactive Website, Jamie L. Hardcastle
Habits of Mind and Comprehension: A Teacher’s Resource for Standards-Based Integration With a Growth Mindset, Natasha Hart
Teaching English Language Learners In The Regular Education Classroom: A Professional Development Plan, Beth Hartokolis
Mentor Texts To Teach Grammar And Mechanics: A Curriculum, Beth Hillerns
How Might I Increase And Maintain Student Engagement Through Culturally Responsive Practices, Kristen Hitchens
A 21st Century Approach to Developing Engaged Writers in a Second Grade Classroom, BekkiRae House
What Is The Rationale And A Design For An Outdoor Classroom For Grades Five Through Eight?, Britney House
Creating A Culture For Outdoor Environmental Education In An Elementary Setting, Daniel Huldeen
Strategies That Enhance Voice-On Activities In Middle School Science, Larry Hunter
Social Emotional Skills And Their Impact On Kindergarten Students, Sarah Hutchins-Haavisto
Creating An Engaging, Reading Curriculum For Fifth Grade, Megan Huus
Best Practices And Culture Change In Two-Way Immersion Through The Use Of An Action Plan, Kimberly Johnson
Thematic, Interdisciplinary Curricular Unit Developed For Fourth Grade On ‘The Science And Engineering Of Slime, Laura Johnston
Culturally Responsive Teaching And Social Emotional Learning: A Self-Assessment Tool For Educators, Kathleen Kessler
Informing Educators On Best Practices For Former Refugee English Language Learners, Sarah Kiiskila
Developing Conceptual Place Value Intervention Curriculum For Upper Elementary Students, Angela Klint
Re-Assessing Assessment: Implementing Constructivist Testing With New And Existing Curriculum, Joey Kretchman-Grande
Creating a Culturally Proficient EL Program: An Evaluative Toolkit, Julie Krohn