School of Education and Leadership Student Capstone Projects | School of Education and Leadership | Hamline University

Browse this collection of Capstone Projects submitted by students completing their master’s degrees in the Hamline School of Education and Leadership. Capstones are the culminating degree work and include research that draws from the student's formal study as well as professional and personal development. Submissions include a scholarly written description of the project and may include the project artifact (as a supplemental file).

Capstone Projects are documented in Digital Commons as a degree completion option, starting in 2017.

See also: School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations

Capstone Projects by Degree:


Capstone Projects from 2018


How Can a 9th Grade Math and Science Curriculum Become Integrated as Part of a Project-Based Academy?, Evan Pierson


Improving The Social And Emotional Education Curriculum In A Middle School, School Within A School Gifted And Talented Program, Natalie Polaschek

Incorporating National Urban Alliance Strategies In A High School Biology Classroom Curriculum To Increase The Success Rate For Students Of Color, Rebecca Prall


Creating Smart Board Activities To Engage Students’ Learning In Chinese Immersion Kindergarten, Wenting Qiang


Creating A Data Structure Of Culturally Relevant Literature For Use In Middle School, Courtney Ramirez


Strategies Teachers And Families Can Use To Support Home Language Maintenance For Early Elementary Students, Anastasia Redemann


Utilizing NWEA Map Data To Create Scaffolded And Differentiated Instruction That Advances Student Mastery Of Literary Standards And Deepens Student Understanding Of Literary Texts, Jane Reinhardt


Implementing Tier I And II Fluency Based Interventions In An Elementary Classroom, Shelley Rhein


Involvement In Extracurricular Activities And Overall High School Experience: Academics, School Belonging, And Career/College Readiness, Michael Richards


Inquiry-Based Professional Development: How Did The Activities In The Mississippi Rivers Institute Affect Participant Confidence In Teaching Environmental Education?, Sara Robertson


Improving Reading Comprehension And Oral Proficiency Through The Use Of Literature Circles, Glorimar Rodriguez


Secondary Teachers Should Expose Rural Readers To Books That Are Culturally Different Than The Student's Personal Choice, Sarah Roiger


Movement And Mindfulness In The Kindergarten Classroom, Kylie Rosenthal

Incorporating Functional Chunks Into The Spanish Language Classroom, Sarah RuizMichels


How Can Student Learning Be Improved Through Project Based Curriculum That Gives Access To All Students?, Joseph Salzer


Building Comprehension In Fifth Grade Students Using Guided Reading, Erica Schiebel

Impact Of Interdisciplinary Literacy Instruction On Student Achievement, Suzanne Schlichte


Combating Student Apathy: Helping Teachers Create Autonomy-Supportive Classrooms That Foster Motivation And Higher Achievement, David Schlotfeldt


How Can Guided Math Techniques Be Integrated Into A Third Grade Multiplication Unit?, Erin Schmidt


Increasing Target Language Input For L2 Students: Strategies For Success In Classroom-Based Language Acquisition, Katie Schmidt


Equitable Access To Education For Adult English Language Learners, Colleen Schmitt


An Exploration Of Portfolios As An Alternative Assessment To Standardized Testing, Carolyn Schmitz


The Benefits And Challenges Of Integrating Self-Assessed Grading Into A 7th Grade Math Classroom, Michael Schramm


A Curriculum And Instruction Resource For Teachers Of Low-Literacy Adult English Language Learners: Incorporating Reading Standards Foundational Skills For Low-Literacy ESL, Mya Shaftel


Helping The District’s Latino Families Become More Independent In Accessing Online Tools Provided By The School District, Leticia Stabrino