"Students Reactions To The Pacer Fitness Test After Stretching Interven" by Kathryn Hagen


Summer 2018


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Vivian P. Johnson

Content Expert

Derek C. Wennerberg


The research question addressed in this study used a researcher created pre- and post- google survey to investigated eighth grade student reaction to the PACER fitness test after a stretching intervention. Topics explored in the review of the literature include different types of stretching, effects of stretching, history of fitness testing, new approaches to fitness testing, fitness and academic success and the decline of Physical Education. The research design used a qualitative approach. A cohort of mainstream Physical Education eighth grade students participated in the research. At the beginning of class forty-five students completed a pre-fitness google survey focusing on their knowledge of fitness testing as well as their beliefs around their physical and mental preparedness for the PACER fitness test. Only those whose parents signed a letter of informed consent will included in the data analyses. Following the pre-fitness survey, students engaged in a daily-three minute stretching intervention for approximately six weeks during their spring 2018 Physical Education class. At the conclusion of the intervention, thirty-seven students completed a post-fitness google survey that again inquired about students attitudes, beliefs around fitness testing and if they saw value in stretching. Data revealed minimal change of students attitudes and beliefs around fitness testing and stretching, perhaps due to minimal intervention time. In the post-fitness survey, an open-ended question provided insight to students individual ideas and thoughts around fitness testing and stretching. Ultimately, the results of this study suggest that for some students, stretching interventions can affect PACER fitness testing outcomes in a positive way. Limitations, implications, and recommendations for future research are discussed. (262 words)

Project Type



Curriculum, Physical Education, Teachers/ Teaching








School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations

Included in

Education Commons
