Browse this collection of Capstone Projects submitted by students completing their master’s degrees in the Hamline School of Education and Leadership. Capstones are the culminating degree work and include research that draws from the student's formal study as well as professional and personal development. Submissions include a scholarly written description of the project and may include the project artifact (as a supplemental file).
Capstone Projects are documented in Digital Commons as a degree completion option, starting in 2017.
See also: School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations
Capstone Projects by Degree:Capstone Projects from 2021
Foundational Literacy For SLIFE, Allison Knutson
Behind The Screens: A Social And Emotional Learning Approach To Social Media, Lauren Koller
Promoting Student To Student Discourse In Mathematics Classrooms, Kayla Kraska
Figuring-it-out: Fostering Independence Through Transferable Problem-solving Competence, Maya Kruger-Steinrueck
Improving Engagement and Literacy Skills with Choice Literacy Centers, Katelin Laugen
Code-Switching in the Classroom, Rebecca Maki
Play-based Learning For Young Students, Katherine Marston
Trauma’s Effect On English Learners’ Language Acquisition: Best Practices For A Trauma-informed Classroom, Sydney Mason
A Visual Phonics Curriculum Resource for First Grade Teachers of Struggling Readers, Fiona McGraw
Asset-Based Kindergarten Readiness For Black Children In Preschool And The Implications For Racial Equity, Jocelyn McQuirter
Teaching the Art of Writing as an Artist, Yarrow Mead
Differentiating the Integration of the Four Skills in Multi-Level Adult ESL Writing Classes, Yasmine Meziou
The Benefits Of Advancing The Next Generation Science Standards In The Elementary Grades, Matthew Millslagle
Guided Reading Adaptations For Multilingual Learners, Ashley Morlock
Incorporating Mathematics Stations Into The Current Curriculum, Stacy Moua
Digital Wellbeing In The Classroom: Choosing Technology That Supports The Whole Child, Madeline Myers
How To Be An Antiracist Educator, Veronica Myers
Differentiation And Online Learning, Emily Nelson
Balancing Screen Time: Teaching To The Whole Student, Victoria Neuburger
The Advantages of Existing English-Medium Models in Meeting the Linguistic Needs of Elementary ELL Students, Molly Neumann
Effective Teaching of Embedded Phonics Instruction in a Middle School Special Education Resource Room, Amanda Nichols
Songs And Salamanders: Investigating The Relationship Between Music And Environmental Education, Walker Nyenhuis