"Promoting Student To Student Discourse In Mathematics Classrooms" by Kayla Kraska


Kayla Kraska


Summer 2021


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Julianne Scullen, Ed.S.

Content Expert

Katie Boge


Within mathematics education, teachers are constantly looking for ways to better support and engage their students. Secondary mathematics teachers can do a lot of different things to promote engagement and achievement. One idea that is often overlooked in traditional classroom settings is the power of discourse. Giving students the opportunity to talk to one another about their mathematical ideas and engage in conversations with their classmates can have a lasting impact on, not only their achievement in mathematics, but also their mindset. Chapter one of this Capstone gives background information about the author and why this topic is so important to them. The author also gives a look into their personal experience with discourse in the mathematics classroom. In chapter two, an extensive literature review is given, diving into the research question: How can I promote student to student discourse in mathematics classrooms? The author explores topics such as student engagement, mathematical discourse in the classroom, and current best practices to incorporate discourse. This chapter gives the reader a look at what the research says about the impact of discourse in the classroom and ways to intentionally incorporate discourse in either whole-group or small-group activities. Chapter three gives a description of the activity guides created for the capstone project and chapter four is a reflection on the work that was done. Every aspect of the paper and project was done with the research question in mind: How can I promote student to student discourse in mathematics classrooms? The project addresses this question with regards to a geometry classroom by utilizing the Understanding by Design Framework (Wiggins & McTighe, 2011). The activity guides provide geometry teachers with various activities, both whole-group and small-group, that intentionally incorporate student to student discourse to support mathematics instruction.

Project Type

Activity Guides








School of Education Student Capstone Projects

Included in

Education Commons
