"Balancing Screen Time: Teaching To The Whole Student" by Victoria Neuburger


Summer 2021


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Jana Lo Bello Miller

Content Expert

Jessica Steeber and Robert Zahler


In a technology driven world, I often wonder where the balance is between the utility of technology tools, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers, and the social and health implications of the intense use of these technologies. On the one hand, smartphones, tablets, and other like devices, deliver information at the touch of our fingertips in ways only imagined just a few decades ago. The use of these technologies has greatly increased our capacity for research and learning new information. Because of this speed and efficiency of accessible information, along with the ability to reach anyone at any time, it seems that most of the population has a smartphone, and a growing number of people also have tablets or laptops that they can take with them anywhere. This phenomenon of constantly being accessible and “plugged in” is no different for our school-aged kids, and often even impacting younger kids as well. I think it is time to take a hard look at the potential consequences of students always being connected to these devices. What does this mean to child development and mental health? And what are the consequences, good and bad, for learning and education? It is through this lens that I explore my essential question: To what extent should student screen time be managed to maximize learning? In a review of selected literature influenced by Adam Alter, Eric Jensen, Catherine DeWeese and many others, my capstone paper and website-based project aims to add to the conversation of why balancing technology use is important for students, and really for everyone. Misuse of technology can impact learning, sleep, and overall well-being. The capstone website is designed to be an accessible way to raise awareness of this amongst administrators, teachers, parents and guardians, as well as students.

Project Type

website creation


Screen Time, Teaching to the Whole Student, Student Technology Use, Screen Time Best Practices








School of Education Student Capstone Projects

Included in

Education Commons
