"Differentiating the Integration of the Four Skills in Multi-Level Adul" by Yasmine Meziou


Fall 2021


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Betsy Parrish

Content Expert

Andrea Echelberger


This capstone project addresses the following research question: How can open-ended activities that integrate the four language skills support differentiation in multi-level (low-intermediate to advanced-level) adult general ESL writing classes? In literature grounding this project, several researchers have dealt with the importance of integrating different language skills in lessons and the role of differentiated instruction in meeting the needs of multi-level students. They also studied the benefits of using different open-ended activities from communicative to project-based activities. However, concrete examples on the integration of the four language skills and differentiating activities to accommodate low-intermediate to advanced-level adult students in general ESL writing classes are lacking. To fill this gap, this instructional guide provides different communicative and project-based learning activities with different examples of language skills integration and differentiating different activity types to meet the needs of low-intermediate to advanced-level students. These activities are accompanied with the appropriate teaching modalities, and a variety of active, cooperative and independent teaching/learning strategies. The development of the handbook was based on Knowles’ (1984) and Mezirow’s (1990; 1991; 2000) adult learning theories that promote the students’ consciousness of their learning and designing activities that promote critical thinking and student collaboration. An adaptation of Tomlinson and Imbeau’s (2010) differentiation framework of content, process and product was used to highlight the possibilities of differentiating the various activities presented in the instructional guide. The guide further includes multiple formative and summative assessment examples along with suggested sample lessons to be applied in multi-level adult general ESL writing classes.

Project Type

Instructional Guide


Adult Education, ESL/ ELLs








School of Education Student Capstone Projects

Included in

Education Commons
