"The Benefits Of Advancing The Next Generation Science Standards In The" by Matthew Millslagle


Summer 2021


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Julianne Scullen, Ed.S

Content Expert

Rebecca Herbert


Throughout the twentieth century and into the new millennium, the public and private sectors within the United States have attempted to buttress its economic, defense and educational achievement postures by implementing several educational initiatives and curricular changes. Around 2010 the National Resource Council began to initiate the latest science curriculum titled The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). A redesign in curricular approach, focused on student-centered inquiry and its foundations in cross-cutting concepts, science and engineering practices and disciplinary core ideas. This curriculum is in the process of adoption and adaptation by the states. Additional initiatives in the form of modifying a proposed Minnesota state curriculum map may be required to truly invigorate the scientific mind of an elementary school student. A literature review of curriculum maps of other nations, hurdles to curriculum implementation along with past policy initiatives such as the National Defense Education Act , A Nation at Risk and Project Lead The Way support such a move. A curriculum shift of this nature would lead to standards being taught by the fourth grade and leaving a learner's fifth grade open to a year of inquiry, free from additional new curriculum to be taught. This year could be an open opportunity for educators to activate and engage the scientific mind and foster desires and passions for scientific learning as the students prepared for their secondary years of public education.

Project Type

Revised Curriculum Map








School of Education Student Capstone Projects

Included in

Education Commons
