Browse this collection of Capstone Projects submitted by students completing their master’s degrees in the Hamline School of Education and Leadership. Capstones are the culminating degree work and include research that draws from the student's formal study as well as professional and personal development. Submissions include a scholarly written description of the project and may include the project artifact (as a supplemental file).

Capstone Projects are documented in Digital Commons as a degree completion option, starting in 2017.

See also: School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations

Capstone Projects by Degree:


Capstone Projects from 2019


Middle Level Literacy: Individual Skills Screener and Plan for Response to Student Data, Emily Margaret Olson


Increasing The Participation And Success Of Struggling Students In High School Physics Courses, Ian O'Neill

Analysis of Outdoor Recreational Patterns of the African Immigrants in Urban Areas in the United States, Franklin Ouma

Nature Preschool Involvement: How Nature Education Can Influence Early Childhood Classrooms, Emily Peka


Steam And Social Studies: Creating An Integrated Classroom, Anna Penner


Teaching Chemistry Through An Environmental Science Lens And The Effect Of Student Understanding And Motivation In Learning High School Science, Sara Peterson


Using English Language Arts as an Outlet for Addressing and Defining Student’s Past Trauma, Dalton J. Pieske


A Necessity For Social And Emotional Learning In Kindergarten The Teaching Of Self-Regulation Through Literacy, Kirsten M. Pinkerton


The Implementation Of Plant-Based Diets In Lower-Income Public Schools, Jesse Rock


Rural Community-Based Organizing For Social Change, Alexandria V.S. Romano

Nihil De Nobis, Sine Nobis: Teaching Minnesota American Indian Literature, Kaitlin Salter


Creating Intrinsic Motivation To Read In Middle School Students, Steven Jeffery Schaeppi, Jr.


Reconnecting Young Children With Nature For Healthy Growth And Development, Suzanne Schiffman


Implementation Of Standards-Based Grading In Secondary Settings, David Schreiner


Literacy Strategies For Secondary Social Studies Classrooms Website, Rachael Shaner

Designing a Career Fair: Attracting High School Students from Backgrounds Underrepresented in the Profession to Law Enforcement, Joesph Sheeran


Incorporating Linguistic Analysis and Processes into English as a Second Language Instruction, Signy Kirsten Sherman

How Can Structured Mathematics Offer Choice in Order to Promote Intrinsic Motivation in Elementary Students?, Shrijana ShresthaLibang


Digital Strategies And Tools To Increase Information Literacy In Ninth Grade Students, Melissa Simmons


Trained Home Literacy Program And Its Advantages In Pre-Kindergarten Through First Grade, Zachary Singleton

Connecting Culturally And Linguistically Responsive Protocols To Language Learning In A Third-Grade French Immersion Classroom, Isabelle Skoog

Supporting Mainstream Teachers In Educating English Language Learners At The Secondary Level, Qurina Slayhi

Developing A Science Curriculum For Beginning Language Learners, Jacob Smith


Nature Play For Urban Elementary Preschoolers: Benefits To Their Development And Connectedness To The Environment, Sharon Smith-Lossiah


Content Specific Math Instruction To Improve English Language Learners' Comprehension Of Comparison Math Word Problems, Abigail Snyder