Browse this collection of Capstone Projects submitted by students completing their master’s degrees in the Hamline School of Education and Leadership. Capstones are the culminating degree work and include research that draws from the student's formal study as well as professional and personal development. Submissions include a scholarly written description of the project and may include the project artifact (as a supplemental file).
Capstone Projects are documented in Digital Commons as a degree completion option, starting in 2017.
See also: School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations
Capstone Projects by Degree:Capstone Projects from 2019
How to Improve High-Risk High School Student Achievement and Well-Being Through Using Best Practices, Particularly in an Alternative Setting, Laura Lopez Dahl
The Reduction Of Stormwater Runoff Pollution Through Community Service Efforts, Dana Damm
Using Novels In The Science Classroom To Increase Literacy In Middle School Students, Elizabeth Mae Das
A Family Approach to Family Literacy with Latino Parents, Jessica L. Davies-Lopez
How Can General Education Teachers Learn to Build Positive Relationships with EL Students by Integrating EL Best Practice Strategies Into Their Teaching?, Philip Dennison
A Montessori Reading Intervention For Nonliterate First Grade Children, Benjamin Dorer
Fostering Student Interest and Motivation in Second Grade Writing, Nicholas Dorow
How Discourse And Collaboration Can Be Used In Mathematics Classrooms To Promote Engagement And Learning, Emily Elsner
Do Believe The Hype: Teaching Literacy To Urban Students In A Secondary Social Studies Classroom With Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Jeffrey Engelen
Integrating Augmented Reality Into Place Based Native Tree Identification, Chase Evertz
Smartphones In The Classroom, Isaac Flynn Buggs
Ipad Initiatives In The Elementary Classroom Enhancing Literacy Instruction, Vanessa Forsman
Equipping Classroom Teachers to Better Serve ELL Students: A Professional Development Model, Tanya Fulton
Access To Academic Language: A Comparative Analysis Of Secondary Esl And Mainstream History Texts, Frances Garvey
Using Reading Fluency Assessment to Target Intervention in the Middle-Level Mainstream ELA Class, Ashley Gaschk
Disrupt the Cis-stem: Being an Effective Teacher Ally to LGBTQ+ Students, Keira Gatta
A Culturally Relevant Earth Science Curriculum: Engaging Students in Socioscientific Issues Through Socratic Seminars, Colin Matthew Gettle
Effective Instruction Of Social Skills To Increase Student Achievement In Elementary-Aged Students, Kate Grahek
Outdoor Investigation Using a Claims, Evidence, Reasoning Framework for Middle School Science Learning, Amber Gremmels
Using System Thinking Protocols To Improve Student Analytical Thinking And Foster Engagement In Rural Commons, Kristin Guin-Grosse
Preparing To Successfully Co-Teach For English Language Learners On The First Day Of School: A Series Of Professional Development Sessions, Carter Haaland
Identification And Evaluation Of Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Learners In Early Childhood Education In Special Education, Megan Hallstrom
Growth Mindset Language and Literacy in the Kindergarten Classroom, Kari Helfinstine