Browse this collection of Capstone Projects submitted by students completing their master’s degrees in the Hamline School of Education and Leadership. Capstones are the culminating degree work and include research that draws from the student's formal study as well as professional and personal development. Submissions include a scholarly written description of the project and may include the project artifact (as a supplemental file).
Capstone Projects are documented in Digital Commons as a degree completion option, starting in 2017.
See also: School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations
Capstone Projects by Degree:Capstone Projects from 2020
Linguistic Identity Construction and Cultural Inclusivity, Jessica Quiñonez
Finding a Place in Learning: Facilitating Place-Based Writing in the Secondary Classroom, Ella Rausch
Assessment Best Practices: A Review of Current Best Practices at the Secondary and Local Level, Amanda Reed
Differentiated Assessments in a Social Studies Middle School Class, Carrie Reisdorfer
Implementing Student-Centered Learning Strategies for Multilingual Learners Through a Social Justice Lens, Erik Reynolds
Virtual Distance Learning: How Teachers and Parents/Guardians Can Help Increase Elementary School Students’ Engagement, Joceline Rita
Integrating Marie Clay’s Theory of Literacy Processing and Reading Recovery Into Small Group Reading Instruction, Katherine Ronning
Shifting Literacy Methods and Teaching Practices to Improve Equity In Schools For Black Girls, Danae Ross
How Can Teachers Empower Students with Learning Differences Towards an Equitable Education?, Samuel Ryan
How Can Citizen Science be used Effectively Within Environmental Education in order to Foster Environmental Change?, Michelle Sagers
How Can Support and Stability Prevent Teacher Burnout and Support Teacher Retention?, Ahmad Samadi
Teaching Social Emotional Skills Through Literacy, Melody Sandell
Designing a Discussion-Based Social Studies Curriculum, Sara Schmidt-Kost
Spatial Awareness Language for English Language Learners, Casey Seeling
The Implementation of the 5E Learning Cycle in Stem Freedom School Curriculum, Natasha Semanko
Giving Them The Map: Making Language Visible for English Language Learners, Elizabeth Seymour
Women and Outdoor Adventure: Creating a Backpacking Course to Prepare and Empower, Anna Swarts
Developmentally Appropriate Environmental Stem Curriculum for Kindergarten and First Grade Students, Mary Sweeney
Integrating Culturally Relevant Teaching Strategies: Professional Development for Elementary Classroom Teachers, Anne Taylor
Introducing Flexible Seating in a First-Grade Classroom, Tanya Teske
Video Games in the Secondary Language Arts Classroom: Opportunities For Deeper Learning and Worldly Discussions, Karissa Thomson
How Will Self-Centering and Breathing Practices Improve and Promote Purposeful Learning In Beginning Band, Leah Toppen
Integrating Mindfulness Strategies and English as a Second Language Instruction, Samuel Trojan
Using Technology to Provide Students with Authentic Learning Opportunities in the Elementary Classroom, Valeria Tschida