Browse this collection of Capstone Projects submitted by students completing their master’s degrees in the Hamline School of Education and Leadership. Capstones are the culminating degree work and include research that draws from the student's formal study as well as professional and personal development. Submissions include a scholarly written description of the project and may include the project artifact (as a supplemental file).
Capstone Projects are documented in Digital Commons as a degree completion option, starting in 2017.
See also: School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations
Capstone Projects by Degree:Capstone Projects from 2019
How Does Enriched Differentiated Small-Group Instruction At The Middle-School Level Accelerated Learning And Promote Community?, Kathleen A. Bernard
Let's Go Outside: Supporting Teachers In Using Outdoor Learning For All Subjects K-8, Ann Borgwardt
SLIFE Students and Teacher Preparedness, Makayla Marie Bozoian
Engaging Best Practices for Newcomer English Language Learners in the Mainstream Elementary Classroom, Jennifer Bradley
Inquiry-Based Learning Science Curriculum For Kindergarteners, Meghan Brady
Discovering Who We Could Become: Culturally Responsive And Rigorous Resources For Middle-Grade Theatre Teachers, Rachel Brady
Implementing Growth Mindset Learning in the Special Education English Language Arts Classroom, Jody Brenteson
Technology Based Interventions Impact on Phonemic Awareness Growth, Je'Naya D. Brown
Authentic Science Curriculum In An Alternative High School Setting, Julia Brunner
Incorporating Multicultural Literature into the Upper Elementary Language Arts Classroom, Elizabeth M. Burgos
Sheltered Secondary SLIFE and Effective Instruction, Mackenzie Burkstrand
Can a sustainable agriculture curriculum promote systems thinking to address global health threats?, Jolene M. Carlson
Implementing a Mentoring Program to Improve Educational Outcomes in ROTC, Mike P. Carr
Scaffolding Kindergarten Writing For English Language Learners, Katlyn Carson
How To Make A Read-Aloud Engaging To Students In A Multi-Age Setting, Katie Cates
Instilling a Growth Mindset in Reading Interventions, Savannah Cespedes
Medicare-Centered Curriculum For Limited English Proficient Beneficiaries, Jenny L. Chalupnik
Social Emotional Learning and Literacy in the Primary Grades: An Integrated Approach, Kaitlynn Cline
Activity Modifications For Growing Up Wild™: Supporting Young Learners With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Valerie Coduto
Supporting Early Childhood Students’ Communication Skills Within The Classroom, Emma Creger
Engaging the Safety System of the Brain: Training for Teachers of Immigrants Who Have Experienced Trauma, Lindsey Grace Crifasi
Substituting Traditional Homework With Outdoor Experiences, David Czepa