Browse this collection of Capstone Projects submitted by students completing their master’s degrees in the Hamline School of Education and Leadership. Capstones are the culminating degree work and include research that draws from the student's formal study as well as professional and personal development. Submissions include a scholarly written description of the project and may include the project artifact (as a supplemental file).
Capstone Projects are documented in Digital Commons as a degree completion option, starting in 2017.
See also: School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations
Capstone Projects by Degree:Capstone Projects from 2019
Developing An Outdoor Mindful Activity-Based Curriculum For English Language Learners, Krista A. Kulas
Comprehensible Input And Output In The Math Immersion Classroom: A Professional Development Series, Kimberly Kulhanek
Utilizing Technology With Nature-Based Learning In The Elementary School Classroom, Caroline LaBate
How Can Effective Curriculum Be Developed For Elementary English Language Students?, Lauren Lau
A Professional Development Presentation For Code-Switching, Patsy Lee
Greek Mythology Vocabulary Building, Samantha Levinson
Supporting Twice Exceptional Students Within the General Education Classroom: Strategies for General Education Teachers, Rebecca Levi
A Geographically Based Curriculum Incorporating Visual Arts, Music And Biology, Jeremy Lish
Using A Fun And Frugal Approach For Teaching 21st Century Digital Literacy Skills to Teachers, Rochelle Lockridge
Transformational Leadership Professional Development Website for Leaders of Urban, Voucher Schools, Christina Lundberg
How Can Online-Games Be Used To Facilitate And Engage Students In Learning Chinese, Xiangjun Lu
English Learners And Academic Speaking, Pamela Magistad
Improving Attention And Emotional Regulation For Middle School Students Through The Use Of Mindfulness Practices, Sean Mattner
The Impact Of Critical Reading Strategies On Reading Comprehension Among Middle School Students, JoLynn E. McAlpine
Strategies To Enhance The Positive Effects Of Bilingualism, Danielle McMillan
A Trauma-Informed Devised Theater Curriculum, Christopher Michael
Oral Academic Discourse: How it Supports Educational Equity for ELs in the Mainstream Classroom – A Professional Development Workshop for Mainstream Teachers of ELs, Ciera Nelson-Cheeseman
Supplementary Resources To Promote Biliteracy For Emergent Bilingual Students, Elizabeth M. E. Nelson
How Can Educators Make Use Of Feedback Types And Process To Optimize Student Performance?, Trang Nguyen
Differentiation in the Detracked Classroom: A Path for Equity, Opportunity, and Achievement, Margaret Niebur
Using Diverse Literature Along With Critical Literacy Strategies to Support Diversity and Equity in Spanish Immersion Classroom, Claudia Milena Noguera Yara
Increasing Opportunities for Academic Talk for English Learners in the General Education Classroom, Brianna Pontinen O’Brien
Social Emotional Learning Curriculum And Manipulatives Designed For Deaf Hard Of Hearing Students From Diverse Home Languages, Meghan O'Donnell