School of Education and Leadership Student Capstone Projects | School of Education and Leadership | Hamline University

Browse this collection of Capstone Projects submitted by students completing their master’s degrees in the Hamline School of Education and Leadership. Capstones are the culminating degree work and include research that draws from the student's formal study as well as professional and personal development. Submissions include a scholarly written description of the project and may include the project artifact (as a supplemental file).

Capstone Projects are documented in Digital Commons as a degree completion option, starting in 2017.

See also: School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations

Capstone Projects by Degree:


Capstone Projects from 2020


Effective Vocabulary Instruction and Literacy Levels: An Online Course Provided for Classroom Teachers, Brittany Johannsen


Social-Emotional Learning Integration Into Language Arts Classrooms, Claire Johnas


Best Instructional Practices for High School SLIFE: A Narrative Curriculum for a Sheltered EL Class, Sarah Jorgenson


Developing a Growth Mindset Through Teacher Training, Pedagogy Development, and Community Reform, Kailtyn Joyce

Play-Based Learning: The Effects On Social-emotional Development and Academic Success In Pre-primary and Primary Grades, Kristina Kamp


Benefits of Using Play-Based Learning in a Kindergarten Classroom, Courtney Kjoberg


Inquiry-Based Learning and Growth Mindset In Third Grade Mathematics, Katherine Klein


English Language Learners Acquiring Tier 3 Mathematical Vocabulary in Upper Elementary Grades, Krosby Kludt


Using the Process Approach to Create an Effective and Efficient Secondary Writing Curriculum for Students and Teachers, Adam Koehler


Implementation of Number Talks to Support Number Sense and Fluency, Including Automaticity, Janel Koenig


Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Support Critical Thinking in Environmental Education, Nicholas Koerbitz


The Role of Restorative Practices in Building Community, Increasing Student Learning and Reducing Racially Disparate Discipline in Secondary Schools, Lawrence Koszewski


Creating an English as a Second Language Program Model That Caters to Junior High Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education, Alison Krzenski


Embedding Phenomena-Based Learning Practices Into a Middle School Science Curriculum, Allison Kubat


Increasing Knowledge on Current Global English Theories and Cultural Differences–– a Professional Development Workshop for Assistant Language Teachers in Japan, Megan Lambrecht


A Collaborative Approach at Building Professional Development Around Inclusive Science Classrooms, Erin Lappen


Using Student-Generated Questions to Promote Curiosity and Student Learning, Todd Larsen


ELL Teachers Guide to Pronunciation: A Contrastive Analysis of S'gaw Karen and American English Phonetics and Phonology, Shana Lee


Creating A Nonprofit Organization To Reduce And Eliminate Disparate Access To Quality Environmental Education To Students That Are Black, Indigenous, And People Of Color And To Increase Overall Access To Education On Environmental Justice, Nicholas Leonard

Increasing Verbal Communication with Peers for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder By Using In-class Engagement Activities, Jessica Linden


Easing the Transition From Middle School to High School for Long-term English Learners, Lindsay Luczkowiak


Culturally Responsive Teaching Within a Montessori Learning Environment, David Luiken


Growing Reading Skills Through Oral Language Activities: Reading Intervention/English Learner Curriculum, Sarah Lundgren


The Role of Environmental Education in Steam Education, Elise Malecha


Teaching World Language as a Push-In Class With Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling, Leah Mark