"Creating an English as a Second Language Program Model That Caters to " by Alison Krzenski


Summer 8-31-2020


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Krzenski, A. Creating an English as a Second Language Program that Caters to Junior High Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (2020)

This capstone explores the guiding question, how can schools create an English as a Second Language program model that will best support junior high students with limited or interrupted schooling? Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) are a diverse population of students that are increasing within our school systems. According to the Minnesota Department of Education (2019) in order for a student to be qualified as SLIFE they must meet three of the following five requirements: comes from a home where the language usually spoken is other than English, or who usually speaks a language other than English; enter the United States after grade 6; have at least two years less schooling than the English learner’s peers; function at least two years below expected grade level in reading and mathematics; and/or may be preliterate in the English learner’s native language. When looking at the needs of these students it is imperative to focus on creating an equitable education for SLIFE in our educational system. In order for an equitable education to be had, schools must aid students in acquiring the skills necessary for future success. This project aims to create a website to be used to propose a new program model to my district and administrators for our Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education. The content of the website provides an overview of SLIFE and looks at the literature and best practices in English as a Second Language programming with special attention to SLIFE needs. Creation and Implementation of this program model in our district would help to enhance SLIFE education in our district and make sure we are providing an equitable education for SLIFE.

Project Type

Website Creation








School of Education Student Capstone Projects
