Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The impact of graphic organizers on critical thinking and reading skills with adult ESL students, Stephen T. Hunt
What connections can be found between late bilinguals' interactions in the target language and the level of their non-native accent in English?, Kristie M. Jadwin
Writing at the Elementary Level: What English Learners are Expected to Write and How They Are Graded, Rachel Lynn Kaster
Saudi International Students in Minnesota: A Preliminary Study of Acculturation by Time Spent Studying English in the United States, Alicia Mary Khalek
Patterns of Article Use in the Expository Writing of Spanish-Speaking Adult Learners of English, Jennifer Marie Killam
A Survey of Preferences of Arab ESL Students and Their Teachers in Classroom Reading Practices, Rebecca Jones Lahniche
The Most Effective Grouping Configurations to Produce the Highest Level of Student Engagement in Elementary English Language Learners, Mary Ellen Langlas
Translanguaging in the Secondary English Learner Classroom, Joseph Christian Larsen
L-vocalization: Its Transfer into English in the Speech of Bulgarian English Learners, Anna Katharina Marco-Cortiel
A text analysis of context clues in nonfiction literature, Julia Matson
Implementation and Management of Co-Teaching Practices Between ESL and Mainstream Teachers at One Middle School, Rachel Margaret Muzik
Contributing Factors to Subtractive Bilingualism: A Systematic Review, Jenna Leigh Otten
“How much do we have to write?” A Hermeneutic Study of Long Term English Learners, Graphic Illustrations, and Adolescent Attitudes Toward Writing, Jessica Marie Pentz
Exploring Reading Comprehension using Culturally Familiar and Unfamiliar Narrative texts in an Intermediate ESL Classroom, Rallou Mavromati Rice
Observations of Nonverbal Behaviors and Saudi Arabian Women in the ESL Classroom: A Case Study, Caitlin Anne Shea
Integrating digital literacy into adult basic education curriculum, Janet Sparks
Increasing Interaction among Novice Elementary School Second Language Learners: A Preliminary Study, Angela Jean Stracke
Readers theatre and prosody: comparing Spanish-speaking English learners and native English speakers, Scott Williams
Math talk: screencasting and English learners, Andrea Wilson Vazquez
A study of motivation and attitudes towards learning Turkish, Semra Yilmaz Ozturk
How oral academic language strategies affect elementary English learners' academic writing skills, Erin Michelle Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Helping English learners make pragmatically appropriate requests, Katherine M Aubrecht
Literature review: English language learners and academic vocabulary, Jill M Boettcher
Teacher perspectives and responses to disruptive behavior in adult English as a second language classes, Meghan M Boyle
An ESL teacher's exploration of instructional coaching, Elizabeth Jeanne Carpenter
Cross-linguistic transfer of oral academic language: a literacy intervention for an early-exit bilingual program, Maureen Colleran
English language attitudes in pre-Olympic Brazil, Elizabeth M Derr
Pop music as a teaching tool: increasing recognition and use of suprasegmental features, Katherine Ditter
The effect of noticing on improving the pronunciation of Persian English language learners, Nathan Doan
Explicit pronunciation instruction and its impact on the intelligibility of literacy level adult EL learners, Andrea D Echelberger
Pronoun usage in kindergarten read-aloud texts, Rebecca Kay Hanson
Co-teaching and pull-out: a comparative case study and analysis, Kayla Hasvold
Assessing perceived writing self-efficacy beliefs in the community college environment, Alycia Yvette Honeck
Explicit instructions of rhoticity: teaching the phonological features of international varieties of English to improve the listening comprehension of English learners, Jessica L. Jenkins
The communicative language teaching method in a Korean English elementary textbook, Christina L S Kanter
Onset and rime strategies in low-literacy adult ESL reading, Katherine M Korkowski
Motivations of international students at an English-medium boarding school in Switzerland to speak French or English, Kristin K Montgomery
How do context and low L1 literacy of non-native speakers of English affect their noticing of L2 learner recasts?, Rachel Mueller
Barriers to adults attending ESL class and how these barriers can be overcome, Carol Nangle
North Korean defectors' adjustment to life in South Korea, Amy L Nicewander
The effects of a sustained silent reading program (SSR) on long-term English learners' map reading scores, Jill Petersen
The referral and identification of English learners with suspected special education needs, Amanda M Phillips
The effects of professional development on student-to-student dialogue research, Jacob Rosch
How scaffolded writing affects elementary ELS' use of academic function words, Julianna J Scheumann
Using online blended learning (the pairing of a teacher-moderated session with a self-study component) to facilitate oral performance in giving business presentations, Brigitta Schwarze
Understanding contrast in academic prose: comparing text analyses with ESOL texts and corpus research, Maureen M Smith
Timed writing: L1 use in the L2 writing process, Sarah Amand Smith
An analysis of the emotional and scholastic effects of subtractive educational policy among Kurdish students in Turkey, Jessica Snider
Language programming for speakers of Ebonics: past, present and future, Erin Stellmach
Father has an accent: perceptions of speech intelligibility of an Indian priest, Nicole Stuhl
Addressing conflict and improving interethnic relations between Karen and African American males in a secondary setting, Kelly Tennison
ESL and mainstream co-teaching: negotiating the planning, instructing, and assessing process, Sarah Van den Akker
Friend or foe: metacognitive awareness of false friends and cognates, Heather Marie Walseth
Increasing elementary English language learners' reading comprehension through the use of role play, Kate Wittrock
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Accent, self-esteem and community involvement: a study of adult non-native English speakers, Daniela E Bergman
Helping mainstream teachers learn how to teach English language learners, Elizabeth Ma Brown
Somali student and NES teacher perceptions of gender in the adult basic education classroom, James Brummel
Preteaching science and social studies vocabulary using the rich and intensive method of vocabulary instruction, Beverly Coiro
Understanding written directions: an examination of factors contributing to the comprehension breakdown in L2 developmental reading students, Mary Beret Hagen
Action research on using role play activity in an adult ESL level one class, Cliff Huff
Response to intervention (RTI) process teams' perception of the ESL teacher's role, Amy Marie Kennedy
A diary study of Arabic second language acquisition: the growing participator approach to self-directed language learning, Laura Ann Krause
Does service-learning have the potential to increase learner motivation in the community college ESL classroom?, Kelly LaCore
Examining the effectiveness of visual scaffolds in compare and contrast essays by English language learners, Suzanne L.E Lane
Acculturation factors a working model during the special education referral process, Robyn Dietrich Law
Speaking before we write: the effect of oral rehearsal on English learners' essay writing, Rachel Levinsky
Adolescent reading interests of New York City Hispanic intermediate ELLs: what they have to say, Ryan M Mack
Foreign accents: accented English speech among Kisii-Kenyans in the USA, Naphtali M. W Makora
Teaching to the right side of the brain to achieve whole-brain learning: its effect on language learning with low-level, low-literate adult ESL students, Carol S Margolis
Computational acquisition of a second language: a test of back propagation connectionism, Brian W Mumford
Student perceptions on the status, value and use of Spanish and English among Spanish/English bilinguals in a dual immersion program, Madeline Muse
How ELLs experience on online secondary school, Tiffany J Nelson
Code switching in oral and written communication with a systematic review of written code switching, Megan L Obermueller
AAVE use and college success: a qualitative study of ten former students of a college developmental writing course, Teresa Uhde Otto
A self-directed approach to Turkish language acquisition: a diary study, Jill M Peterson
Home and school come together: family literacy as a third space, Elizabeth M Pichardo
English language learners listening with purpose: a task-based approach, Krista Marie Schweppe
Describing communicative competence in a college nursing degree program, Megan Alexandra Seydow
Reflective teacher practice: the effects of visual reflections and a feedback loop by a community of practice, Valorie Stavem-Arrowsmith
Discovering factors that influence English pronunciation of native Vietnamese speakers, Leah Tweedy
Course design considerations for online ESL: a journal investigation of the issues related to ESL online design while using two online design frameworks, Alison R Wilcox
A choice of words: teachers' views on the English curriculum in Madagascar, Susan Ora Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The educational experiences of an ELL/LD student, Kate E Anderson
How students use academic vocabulary comprehension strategies in reading history, Andrea Barbera
Recount and argument writing by Chinese English language learners, Sara Bjork
Do they get the picture?: Visual literacy and low-literacy adult ESL learners, Daniel J Bruski
The teaching of academic writing by practicing ESL teachers in an intensive Englsh [sic] program, Ellie G Caldwell
Social language in a dual immersion setting, Anna M Carlson
How does a music program affect the reading fluency of second grade ESL students?, Candace Rose Cooper
Promoting family bilingualism: a case study using the Thomson method, Yvonne Crawford
English language learners' reading norms on the NWEA MAP reading test: a tool in the special education referral process, Kate Andresen Dammann
The correlation between self-efficacy beliefs, language performance and integration amongst Chinese immigrant newcomers, Jennifer Dodds
Metacognitive reading strategy instruction and academic texts: how college level bidialectal students may benefit, Leigh Brooke Easton