Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Graphic novels in ESL: a case study of a secondary literature-based classroom, Jessica Holte Emery
A robust vocabulary approach with a music component, Juan Rigoberto Figueroa García
Passive voice and participial adjective development in English language learners, Michell Fuller
Academic writing strategies for secondary ELLs in social studies, Sara Grace Kaler George
Rural content area teachers' attitudes and perceptions of non-native English speakers in secondary classrooms, Nicole Clara Louise Hedrick
ESL and mainstream co-teaching practices in one elementary school, Daria V Hendrickson
"We're good friends": out-of-class relationships between teachers of ESL and their adult students, Erica Jacobson
Determining the effectiveness of ongoing, intentional reflection on teaching and learning in the development of volunteer adult ESL teachers, Minda Johnson Gomez
A dropout dilemma: the dynamics of newly arrived high school English language learner retention and graduation in a large midwest urban school district, Calvin D. P Keasling
Methods to improve student ability in solving math word problems, Jennifer Langeness
Vocabulary analysis of word problems on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment of mathematics, Ariane Lanier
Preserving immigrant languages: parent perspectives on the benefits of three heritage language schools, Tara Elizabeth Larsen
Language learning strategies of older Somali and Oromo English learners, Ahri Lee
The role of bi-weekly phone calls in supporting adult English language learners in distance learning, Erica Lynn Lehner
Home language use: a case study of a mother and her daughter, Laura Lenz
Low-literacy adult English language learners: oral recall and recasts, Celia Martin-Mejía
The effect of two types of text modification on English language learners' reading comprehension: simplification versus elaboration, Suzanne Maxwell
How ESL support shapes students: perceptions of the K-12 ESL experience by Hmong undergraduate students, Erin Elizabeth Myhrer
Using poetry to teach reading comprehension strategies to English language learners, Jennifer M Norris
Implementing writers workshop: an attempt to increase grammar skills and motivation among middle school English learners, Jessica Perez
Language objectives: clear as mud helping intermediate language learners meet and exceed grade level standards, Alicia Reyes Johnson
Analyzing the effectiveness of expository writing instruction with South Korean middle school students: a bounded case study approach, James J Riley
Oral language instruction in Spanish: a study of first-grade Spanish speakers in a dual immersion program, Gloria Adriana Rosso White
Advocacy or apathy?: American Indian parent involvement in an off-reservation middle school, Wendy Lee Sanderson
Personal Narrative: from story to science, Dena Thorson
Does the use of dialogue journals affect the writing fluency of low-literacy adult Somali students?, Marlese Alden VanderMolen
How does reader's theater affect English language learners' reading fluency and reading comprehension, Kirsten S Winter
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Exploring language attitudes of fourth-grade learners toward accented voices, Michelle Beck
The role of cultural awareness on L2 comprehension and retention of culture-specific idioms, Kathleen Bjornson
Evaluating word problems using Polya's problem-solving strategy: determining its effects on an English language learner's written and oral communication, Erin McCarthy Bowman
The impact of immigrant life experiences on collegiate critical thinking skills: a mixed methods case study, Kristyn Clark
Using music in a senior high level 1 ESL classroom to teach the two modal auxiliaries: Can' and 'Will', Crystal M DeVore
ELL instructional concerns of a low incidence school district: a case study, Laurie M Dirnberger
Implicit and explicit corrective feedback for middle school ESL learners, Ben Fawbush
Reading inference and aspect instruction, Kerry M Feyder
Barriers that non-native speakers of English face in a nursing program, Mairi Hansen
What difference does an imposed literacy block program make on student achievement in reading?: a preliminary study, Alyssa Haugen
A study using literature and reflective journals to connect cultural identity to future goals, Sandra Roth Hisakuni
Improving phonemic awareness using whole-part-whole reading instruction and the language experience approach with semi-literate and non-literate Karen-speaking adults, Andrea P Hokeness
Immediate and reflective dictionary use on vocabulary learning and affect, Ryan Jude
A study of how to effectively prepare Latino parents for supporting their children's literacy, Veronica Kremer
Critical self-reflection and cultural competency, Amy E Laboe
Using cooperative learning to enhance the classroom social skills of ELLs, Kristy Majcin
Summarizing strategies for newcomers: explicit strategy instruction in an American history class, Jeanette Marr
Focus-on-form in elementary ESL: experimenting with the error correction techniques of repetition and metalinguistic clue, Corey Mattson
Hmong learners' deletion and replacement of syllable-final consonants in English, Suzanne McCurdy
Improving recognition and production of emphatic and contrastive stress with electronic visual feedback as a means to focus on form, Carlynn Miller-Gore
Parent, student and teacher attitudes about L1 maintenance, Stephanie E Munch
Cooperative learning and ESL students' participation, Angela Nguyen
Using electronic whiteboards to teach phonemic segmentation to kindergarten English language learners, Rebecca Olson
Student motivation towards foreign language learning: why do high school students take two or four years of Spanish?, Amy M Peters
How native Spanish and native Somali speakers label inanimate nouns vis-à-vis gender, Anna Rau
Perceptions of silent sustained reading held by middle school English language learners, Dean T Reasoner
Adapting reader's workshop for upper elementary language academy students, Claire Roberts
Latino/Hispanic perceptions of factors that helped them graduate from a four year college/university in the USA, Rocío Saldaña-Reyes
Exploring self-efficacy in reading, Cynthia D Shellberg
Integrating language learning strategies and academic language functions: teaching beginning ELLs to question, Angela Tessier
The use of English in Dutch magazine advertising: a sociolinguistic study, Duygu Van Nellen
How an audiobook library program influences book interactions of three ESL kindergarteners, Molly Wellner
Attitudinal reactions of standard American English speakers to foreign-accented Speech, Elizabeth Bailly Will
Sing, sing a song: how using songs affect productive vocabulary acquisition of English language learners, Nicole D Winter
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Self advocacy, medical interpreting and the LEP patient, Stacey E Achterhoff
Pronouncing three-segment final consonant clusters: a case study with Arabic speakers learning English, Anjanette Arnold
A case study of the noticing-reformulation technique, Stephanie J Bertram
Increasing vocabulary production through explicit vocabulary instruction, Jennifer Blake
Teaching prosody through readers theatre, Ann Daly
Metaphonological ability in low-literate adult Somali English language learners, Sarah Elaine Davis
Factors affecting Latino students' attendance at free adult English classes, Stephanie A Guza
For a better life: a case study of a high school Latina learning English in a rural community, Wendy Joy Louwagie Hall
Writing strategies used and not used by sixth grade ELLs as they write personal essays in the mainstream class, Julie A Hoostal
Listening to learn: using focus group interviews in cross-cultural settings, Gail A Koski
Writer's workshop in a rural low incidence setting, Rachele Ann Kreuser
Improving ELLs' writing skills through action research, Jennifer Larsen
Computer-based phonological awareness training for adolescent English language learners, Kimberly Laska
Using reading recovery strategies with small groups of kindergarten English language learners, Krista Michaelis
Affecting L2 attitude and motivation through drama, Jonell Pacyga
Pre-teaching math language lessons for the success of English language learners, Michelle Vanden Plas
A computer based tool that will help to teach ELL kindergartners to read, Carrie Podgorski
The role of play in second language acquisition: a bilingual grandmother and a preschool child, Joyces C Robles
Meeting learning objectives: using an alternative text, Joseph Rothstein
Impacts of student autobiographies on mainstream teachers' perceptions, attitudes, and instruction of English language learners, Emily Schmidt
Do dialogue journals with recasts improve the writing skills for adult learners with limited literacy skills?, Michelle Henry Voit
The effects of interactive writing on second grade ELLs' learning of science vocabulary, Rebecca Weldon Fisher
The use of signed English in sight word instruction with elementary English language learners, Kari Lynn Wiltse
What effects does language anxiety have on ESL students' decisions to speak English in a middle school classroom?, Ryan Zgutowicz
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Children's literature and math: how ELLs benefit, Antoinette Azad
A method of supplemental science vocabulary instruction for second-grade English language learners, Hanni Baugh-Thomas
An analysis of Somali pronunciation errors, Elizabeth A Conway
Using AlphaSmarts to improve the quantity and quality of writing of fifth grade English language learners, Patricia Gail Matthias Davis
Onset and rime instruction in a low level ABE ESOL reading classroom, Erin G Evans
Comprehension of aspect in English by Spanish-speaking students in an adult basic education program, Andrea Feshbach
After school clubs and ELLs self-esteem, Marilyn Gleason
Journaling through the challenge of change, Dereck L Grosskurth
Increasing oral reading fluency with elementary English language learners, Judith A Hacker
Grade two ESL writers: teacher-modeled writing and oral rehearsal, Kristine B Heim