Browse this collection of Capstone Projects submitted by students completing their master’s degrees in the Hamline School of Education and Leadership. Capstones are the culminating degree work and include research that draws from the student's formal study as well as professional and personal development. Submissions include a scholarly written description of the project and may include the project artifact (as a supplemental file).
Capstone Projects are documented in Digital Commons as a degree completion option, starting in 2017.
See also: School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations
Capstone Projects by Degree:Capstone Projects from 2022
Project Based Learning for Chronically Absent Students, Amy Lynch
Creating an Elementary Reading Curriculum that Leads all Students to More Equitable Success, Ian Lyon
Helping High School English Learners Self-Regulate Their Writing Development Through Formative Assessments, Pamela Madsen
Cultural Relevance In Art Matters: An Accessible Curriculum, Mary Beth Magyar
The Best Way to Utilize MakerSpace in a 6th Grade Science Classroom, Amanda Mahlstedt
Relevant History: Using Historical Fiction to Make History Engaging, Kayleigh Maloney
Supporting Multilingual Learners in the Content Classroom Through Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching Practices, Karen Martinez Tinajero
Building Student Confidence: Capitalizing on Social and Emotional Skill Building in Environmental Education, Lindsay McCord
Integrating Translanguaging into the Classroom: A Professional Development for Primary Elementary Teachers, Ashli Meyer
Best Practices Using Pair Work for English Language Learners, Olivia Meyer
Restorative Justice Practices and Their Impacts in Elementary Classrooms, Mary Miles
This Could Have Been an Email: Adapting English Language Arts Curriculum to Better Suit Modern Communication Needs, Emily Millin
Developing Critical Consciousness in the English Language Arts Classroom, Benjamin Moberg
How Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect Children in School and What Protective Factors can Teachers Provide for These Students, Michelle Moorer
How Can Environmental Based Library Programming Benefit Communities?, Samantha Morrison
Inquiry-Based Astronomy Curriculum for the Online Setting that is Culturally Sustaining and Equity-Centered, Sophie Morris
Together In Discussion: Creating Space And Inspiring Conversation To Support Underrepresented Adolescent Student Identity Development, Nicole Nicpon
Employing Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices in English Language Arts Classrooms, Austin Niederkorn
How Using Multidisciplinary Approaches To Mainstream Education Can Increase Diversity In Environmental Education And Improve Students’ Environmental Literacy, Nathaniel Nordberg
How To Create A Successful Learning Environment For Students With Challenging Behaviors, Kristin Otto
Experiencing an Old-Growth Forest: An Immersive Nature and Art Workshop for Environmental Educators, Valerie Ozaksut
Students with Interrupted Formal Education: A Toolbox for Instruction, Mary Palmer
Courage Under Fire: Culturally Responsive Teaching In A Divisive Time, Colin Perucco
The Impact of Climate Change Education in an Outdoor Classroom on Middle School Students' Attitudes and Understandings Towards Climate Change, Kelly Peterson
Joy In Choice: Cultivating A Choice-Centric Literacy Classroom In Upper Elementary, Alexandra Pickell