Capstone Projects from 2019
Supplementary Resources To Promote Biliteracy For Emergent Bilingual Students, Elizabeth M. E. Nelson
How Can Educators Make Use Of Feedback Types And Process To Optimize Student Performance?, Trang Nguyen
Differentiation in the Detracked Classroom: A Path for Equity, Opportunity, and Achievement, Margaret Niebur
Increasing Opportunities for Academic Talk for English Learners in the General Education Classroom, Brianna Pontinen O’Brien
Increasing The Participation And Success Of Struggling Students In High School Physics Courses, Ian O'Neill
Steam And Social Studies: Creating An Integrated Classroom, Anna Penner
Using English Language Arts as an Outlet for Addressing and Defining Student’s Past Trauma, Dalton J. Pieske
Nihil De Nobis, Sine Nobis: Teaching Minnesota American Indian Literature, Kaitlin Salter
Creating Intrinsic Motivation To Read In Middle School Students, Steven Jeffery Schaeppi, Jr.
Implementation Of Standards-Based Grading In Secondary Settings, David Schreiner
Literacy Strategies For Secondary Social Studies Classrooms Website, Rachael Shaner
Designing a Career Fair: Attracting High School Students from Backgrounds Underrepresented in the Profession to Law Enforcement, Joesph Sheeran
How Can Structured Mathematics Offer Choice in Order to Promote Intrinsic Motivation in Elementary Students?, Shrijana ShresthaLibang
Digital Strategies And Tools To Increase Information Literacy In Ninth Grade Students, Melissa Simmons
Trained Home Literacy Program And Its Advantages In Pre-Kindergarten Through First Grade, Zachary Singleton
Connecting Culturally And Linguistically Responsive Protocols To Language Learning In A Third-Grade French Immersion Classroom, Isabelle Skoog
Entering and Continuing the Journey in the Classroom: Personal Explorations, Professional Learning and Cultivating Emotional Resilience, Jillian Stockmo
How Educators Can Utilize Culturally Responsive Teaching To Enhance Personalized Learning Opportunities In The Secondary Classroom, Christina J. Strey-Wells
The Lost Boys: An Exploration Of The Male Gender Gap And Its Causes, Derek Swart
Amending Flex Time: A Proposal, Johnathan Thompson
Student-Led Book Clubs Support Reading Engagement In Primary Grades, Cassie Torbenson
Teaching Multicultural Texts At The Secondary Level, Benjamin Tully
How can second-grade students learn algorithmic thinking and pattern recognition through collaborative learning?, Christine Walth
A Yoga-Based Curriculum To Help Learners Deal With Anxious Situations, Lacey Jan Weninger
How to Build a Classroom Community of Caring, Self-Directed Learners Through the Use of Morning Meeting in the First Ten Days of School and Beyond, Andi Jo Zimmerman
Capstone Projects from 2018
Movement For Learners: Physical Activity Impacting The Academic Performance Of Elementary Students, Kristen Bark
Curriculum Development Using Artistic Inquiry In An Arts Magnet Foundation Class, Debra Bestland
What Do Educators Need To Know To Identify Human Trafficking In Their Schools And Communities?, Candace Brailsford
Using Self-Regulated Strategy Development To Teach Middle School Writing, Julia Breen
How To Create A High School Personalized Learning System To Re-Engage And Extend Deeper Learning Of Opportunity Youth Students, Joseph Cienian
Growth Mindset Instruction In A Traditional Literature Curriculum, Lea Corcoran
Effective Technology Policies: How To Create And Implement An Effective Policy For Personal Devices In Secondary Schools, Elizabeth Doffing
Professional Development Sessions For Conceptual Understanding Of Mathematics In The Primary Classroom To Promote A Positive Mindset And Problem-Solving Skills, Brittany Erickson
Web-Based Inquiry: A Potential Solution For Resource-Poor High School Biology Classrooms?, Sarah Fagan
The Power Of One Good Book: Creating An Independent Reading Program In An Alternative School To Help Promote Literacy, John Forestell
Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Professional Development Project, Rebecca Foster
Being Mila: Creating An Lgbtq Curriculum That Is Authentic, Follows Policies And Ethics, And Teaches Acceptance, Tam Friestad
How Might I Increase And Maintain Student Engagement Through Culturally Responsive Practices, Kristen Hitchens
Creating An Engaging, Reading Curriculum For Fifth Grade, Megan Huus
Best Practices And Culture Change In Two-Way Immersion Through The Use Of An Action Plan, Kimberly Johnson
The Thinking Effects Of Allowing Exploration Time In The Classroom, Adriana Maldonado
Adapting Project-Based Learning For English-Language Learners In Middle-School Social Studies, Maria May
Creating Smart Board Activities To Engage Students’ Learning In Chinese Immersion Kindergarten, Wenting Qiang
Creating A Data Structure Of Culturally Relevant Literature For Use In Middle School, Courtney Ramirez
Incorporating Functional Chunks Into The Spanish Language Classroom, Sarah RuizMichels
How Can Student Learning Be Improved Through Project Based Curriculum That Gives Access To All Students?, Joseph Salzer
Impact Of Interdisciplinary Literacy Instruction On Student Achievement, Suzanne Schlichte
The Benefits And Challenges Of Integrating Self-Assessed Grading Into A 7th Grade Math Classroom, Michael Schramm
Promoting Effective Language Development In English Language Learners Through A School Garden-Based Curriculum, Krista Steffen
Educational Assistants And Classroom Management: Increasing Self-Efficacy, Justin Theodotou
Best Practices To Help Students Overcome The Effects Of Trauma: For The Goal To Further Cognitive, Physical, Emotional And Behavioral Student Development, Deirdre Tschanz
Snow Science: Curricular Units For High School Outdoor Winter Inquiry, Elizabeth Wagner
Adult Education, Community Building, Environmental Studies, Special Education, Staff Development, Teachers/ Teaching, Jennifer Whelan
Visualization Techniques To Support Students’ Reading Comprehension, Jessica Will
Capstone Projects from 2017
Maintaining A Culturally Responsive And Engaging Classroom For Students From Eastern And Western Cultures, Chloe E. Delwiche
Giving Students The Opportunity To See Themselves And Diverse Cultures In Literature: A Multicultural Literature Wiki, Maria E. Effertz
Lead Like A Pirate: Fostering Leadership Development In Kindergarten Through Third Grade Girls, Jennifer Endres
Effective Strategies Of A Behavior Management Plan, Elizabeth Farah
Flexible Classroom Design And Its Effects On Student-Centered Teaching And Learning, Mark Fehlandt
Strategies To Encourage Chinese Immersion Students To Speak More Chinese In The Classroom, Fan Feng
High School Mathematics: A Venue For Political Resistance To White Supremacy, Morgan Kendall Fierst
Creating A Culture Of Independent Reading Among African American Students, Especially Black Males, Donna Carol Franklin Clemenson
Curriculum Design Through Authentic Learning Projects In An International Baccalaureate Middle School Technology Design Classroom, Kari R. Greenfield
Creating An Inquiry-Based Force Unit For A Ninth-Grade Science Class, Hans P. Harlane
Educator Perceptions Of A Teacher Evaluation Systems, Erin N. House
Physical Education: The Finnish Way Vs. The American Way, Rob Andrew Jeppson
How Can Inquiry-Based Learning Be Successfully Implemented In The Secondary Mathematics Classroom, Aaron Kadera
Differentiating Instruction To Develop Conceptual Understanding In Multiplication, Christopher A. Kamrath
Designing Pedagogy For Existing Mathematics: Measurement Curriculum In A Language Immersion School, Jihee Jina Kim
Teaching Animal Ethics In Culturally Diverse Settings, Julie Knopp
Tier Two Reading Interventions For Elementary English Learners, Katherine M. Little
A Cross-Curricular, Reading-Focused Learning Program And School Culture, James MacLachlan
Pedagogy-Minded Use of Web-Based Technology in the Classroom, Jeff McGie
Learning Through Student Driven Inquiry In A Spanish Immersion Fourth Grade Classroom, Anne McGinn
Closing The Gap In Urban Summer School Programs, Crystal Nelson
Framework For Building Community In 21st Century Intermediate Elementary Classrooms, Scott Norman
Recognizing, Empathizing, And Strategizing Tools For Teachers And Schools To Increase Academic Success For Homeless Highly Mobile (HHM) Students, Alyssa R. Paulson
Implicit Bias And The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Phenomenon And Their Affects On Literacy Performance In Elementary Students, Anna K. Quirk
Empowering and Equipping Hispanic Immigrant Parents to Actively Engage in Their Children’s Education, Fernando G. Rogante
Are Primary Schools Incorporating Enough Movement Into The Day To Maintain Positive Mental Health In Children?, Jennifer Schmidt
Integrating The Nature Of Science Into The International Baccalaureate Chemistry Curriculum: Lesson Plans And Resources For Educators, Greta Wanless Stacy
Reading Groups In The Middle School English Learner Classroom, Melissa Sweeney
What Are The Behavioral Interventions That Work With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adhd) Students?, Mitchell Tollefson