This collection includes Capstone Theses submitted by Hamline Master of Fine Arts in Writing for Children and Young Adults (MFAC) students. Capstones are the culminating degree work of the MFAC program. Student projects may be fiction, nonfiction, poetry, picture books, or graphic narrative scripts written for children and/or young adults and may be in any number of subgenres for each category. Students may also submit multiple projects in different genres as one piece (e.g., three picture book manuscripts and an excerpt from a young adult novel) as their creative thesis.
All authors retain copyright, unless stated otherwise in a rights statement on the individual Digital Commons record description page. Authors should be contacted regarding permission for any use protected under U.S. copyright law. Further distribution of a restricted work is not permitted.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Black Lake, Ben Cromwell
Pillar 13, Katie Dunlop
Court of Silk and Blood, Emily Hill
Alas for the Stars, Ronny Khuri
A Rainbow Over Broadway, Laura J. King
The Ruby Red Unicorn, Renee S. Mccormick
Frances in the Wastelands, Trisha P. Parsons
The Barley Year, Arianna Schwieters
The Sines of my Demise, Elizabeth L. Selin
Under Clara's Watchful Eye and DELUGED! The Johnstown Flood of 1889: Finding the Form that Fits in Nonfiction, Patricia K. Sutton
Miranda & Dash and the Department of the Unusual, Jonathan Van Gieson
I Won't Be Your Miracle, Sarah E. Woodard 4831202
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Dark Stone, Stephanie Bongas
My Wolf Pack, Christine McDonnell