Theses/Dissertations from 2005
How the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards certification process influences teacher reflection and transfers to practice, Susan Kathleen Moore
Analysis of two undergraduate athletic training education programs, Angela M. Perusek
Parents' perceptions from participation in emotional intelligence parenting classes, Monica M. Potter
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Transformative experiences of learning community graduates, Ferial Abraham
Building learning communities in an urban high school: teacher's perspective, Omoyefe Agbamu
Professional development strategies that can influence teacher change, Kathleen A. Foord
When experienced teachers become parents: exploring transitions in educational philosophy and classroom practices, Karen Moroz
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
The development of student writing through the use of the six traits of writing and self-assessment, Peggy K. Conner
Active learning in secondary classrooms: benefits and barriers, Barbara Elvecrog
Linking theory to practice in an undergraduate teacher preparation reading methods course: the role of the field experience, Mary J. Jacobson
Instructional decisions and high school teaching: models of success, Melissa Luedtke
Facilitating inquiry in a Journey North classroom, Jessica Wiley