"FSEM1010-13.FSEM: Pathway to Peace.F15.Embser-Herbert,Melissa" by Melissa Embser-Herbert

FSEM1010-13.FSEM: Pathway to Peace.F15.Embser-Herbert,Melissa

Faculty Name

Melissa Embser-Herbert

Document Type






Course Subject


Course Number


Course Section


Course Title

FSEM: Pathway to Peace

Academic Term and Year

Fall 2015



Area of Study


Course Description

What does the word ‘justice’ mean to you? Perhaps you think of the criminal justice system? You might admit that when you hear the word ‘justice,’ the thought of revenge isn’t far away. Or, maybe something more spiritual or philosophical comes to mind. We will begin our journey by exploring the many ways we understand the concept of justice. Then, we will turn our attention to the paradigm of restorative justice. Our primary focus will be restorative justice as it occurs in societies with a “traditional” criminal justice system, where the principal response to crime tends to be retribution, or “punishment,” oriented. But, we will also consider restorative practices in settings ranging from K-12 schools across North America to communities as far away as New Zealand and Rwanda. Readings include The Little Book of Restorative Justice, by Howard Zehr, known worldwide for his pioneering work in restorative justice. We will view a number of videos including The Final Gift, also meeting with the filmmaker, Therese Bartholomew, via Skype. In addition to learning from readings, videos, and guest speakers, as well as each other, you will also have the opportunity to explore different restorative processes including a restorative justice circle. Students with interests in criminal justice, human rights, law, social justice, and/or sociology may find this course particularly appealing.

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