FSEM1010-15.FSEM: What to eat now?.F15.Martinez-Vaz,Betsy

Faculty Name

Betsy Martinez-Vaz

Document Type






Course Subject


Course Number


Course Section


Course Title

FSEM: What to eat now?

Academic Term and Year

Fall 2015



Area of Study


Course Description

Eat this, No that! Do you ever wonder what are the best foods or whether you need to be taking dietary supplements? Nutrition is a topic relevant to everyday life. The news media often publishes stories on novel diets and foods that are supposed to improve health or cure disease. An estimated 45 million Americans diet each year and spend $33 billion annually on weight loss products. More than half the adults in the United States take at least a dietary supplement every day. In this class, we will explore the principles of basic nutrition and metabolism. We will examine several popular diets and supplements and discuss their nutritional value. The first part of the class will cover the nutrient content of foods, information on food labels and nutritional requirements. The students will have the opportunity to perform individual assessments of their diet and design a plan to improve eating habits and fulfill nutritional needs. The second part of the course will cover topics related to eating disorders and major nutritional problems in our society and the world. Special emphasis will be given the safety of our food supply and chronic diseases linked to nutritional issues. We will also have the opportunity to do various experiments to learn about food probiotics and the nutrient content of common foods.

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