"How can scaffolding first graders within the writing portion of Readin" by Diane L. Anthony

How can scaffolding first graders within the writing portion of Reading Recovery lessons lead to independent writing in the classroom?





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The research question addressed in this project was, how can scaffolding first graders within the writing portion of Reading Recovery lessons lead to independent writing in the classroom? The motivation leading to this research was the challenge of scaffolding the support given to struggling writers in order to promote their independence of, rather than dependence on, the teacher. The mechanics of handwriting was examined as it related to the automaticity of writing. Samples of independent classroom writing were evaluated to ensure that students were transferring strategies between the intervention and the classroom. Writing from Reading Recovery lessons was measured with Marie Clay's research about the stages of change teachers of the intervention should expect to see. The importance of communication with classroom teachers, as well as the impact reflective teaching has on individualized instruction is also addressed.

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