"How can teachers support parents at home to make reading a priority?" by Mary Helen Haarklau

How can teachers support parents at home to make reading a priority?





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As a child growing up, my family set me up to achieve success by spending time reading with me, giving me the self confidence that I needed and giving me support throughout my school career. Now, as a second grade teacher, I want to help all parents be able to do the same things for their child. In order to help children and parents achieve success, I created a small handbook. The book has ideas from professionals and parents, who I interviewed to help them support their children with reading at home. Jim Trelease and Timothy Rasinski have done many studies on the subject of parents reading to their children at home, and had wonderful suggestions for parents, that I added to my handbook. I want to make an impact on parents so they realize that they have the power to teach and they are a very important role model in their child's life.

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