Curriculum for Somali ELLs with limited formal schooling





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Last year, I began working in a school district that had an influx of Somali immigrants who arrived in the United States without any prior schooling. The needs of these students, called Limited Formal Schooling (LFS) students for the purposes of this paper, were not being met by regular ESL classes, so a new class and curriculum needed to be developed. The research for this paper includes the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) model essential for framing curriculum. The SIOP model ensures that while receiving academic English, students are also educated in content at the appropriate grade level. The MN state standards and elementary curriculum are also incorporated. The method for curriculum development closely followed the Understanding by Design approach that McTighe and Wiggins (1998) developed. The result of the research is a two week Basic School Survival Skills unit intended for use with Limited Formal Schooling students.

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