"Early intervention for young children with autism: interventionists sh" by Donna Lynn Miller

Early intervention for young children with autism: interventionists share their journey and perspectives of intervention





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Research and philosophy supporting the role of early childhood intervention documents a need to shift support from traditional, child-focused intervention to intervention focused on the child within the context of the family. This change causes challenges for those in the world of early intervention. Adding to the difficulties is the fact that the number of children identified with autism under the age of three years is also increasing. The intervention strategies outlined for preschoolers with autism does not easily align with the early intervention focus on family-centered services within the natural environment. What is an early autism interventionist to do? This study focuses on the perspective, understanding, and interpretation of evidence-based practices by early autism interventionist. The qualitative method of phenomenology was used in this study to discover themes that emerge to support the interventionists' journey to early autism intervention. Eight interventionists were interviewed. The study resulted in many rich and interesting stories shared by early autism interventionists describing their experiences in embracing evidence-based practices.

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