"Levels Of Development Among Saudi Arabian Students Studying At An Amer" by Drew Boatman


Fall 2017



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Jennifer Ouellette-Schramm

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Michal Moskow

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Tiffanie Loeb Schneider


The purpose of this study was to understand Saudi students’ level of epistemological development and the extent to which intellectual development was connected with factors of academic success. The Measure of Epistemological Reflection was used to allow seven students to expound on their view of the roles instructors, peers and others play in the pursuit of knowledge and the truth. Using William Perry’s intellectual and ethical development theoretical framework, students were assigned to domains of development and their written answers were used to create holistic narrative pictures representative of how they individually view truth and knowledge. The researcher finds connections between factors of academic success – GPA and Rate of Completion – as well as a connection between the lowest levels of epistemological development and the highest GPA.

Research Methodology

Survey (attitude scale, opinion, questionnaire)


ESL/ ELLs, International Students, Intellectual Development, Student Development

Included in

Education Commons
