"Moving And Learning: A Curriculum Designed To Reduce Stress In High Sc" by Anthony J. Bizal


Fall 2017



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

William Lindquist

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Megan Hendrix

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Nolan Schlinsog


The Moving and Learning curriculum was designed to help physical education students learn skills that will help them reduce stress by using yoga, mindfulness, and breathing techniques. Methods from all three areas were used to create a three week curriculum that would allow teachers in physical education, and other content areas, to get kids moving while they are learning. The three week curriculum is accompanied by a full appendix to the all of the yoga, breathing, and mindfulness tools and is presented in a scope and sequence that lets the students build on new and prior knowledge. The results are students that can identify the signs of stress in their bodies, take the steps necessary to relieve that stress, then return to or continue learning. Challenges in implementing this curriculum include space available, money for enrichment equipment, and the willingness of the teacher to learn something new.

Research Methodology

Curriculum Development


Curriculum, Physical Education, Teachers/ Teaching, Mindfulness

Included in

Education Commons
