"Motivation For Learning English At A Theological Seminary In Ukraine" by Joshua Tokar


Spring 2017



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Anne DeMuth

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Celia Martin Mejia

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

John E. White


This study was designed to determine what factors motivate students to learn English at an evangelical seminary in Ukraine. After the fall of communism, English was mainly taught at newly formed evangelical seminaries in Ukraine to enable students to access theological resources in English that were not available in Russian or Ukrainian. A mixed-method approach involving a written attitudinal questionnaire and follow-up focus group interviews was employed to collect data. Participants in this study were second- year music ministry and first- to third-year theology students enrolled in English courses.The results of this study revealed that twenty-five years later seminary students are primarily motivated to learn English by the desire to communicate with foreigners, travel abroad and find employment.

Research Methodology

Case Study, Focus Group, Survey (attitude scale, opinion, questionnaire)


International Teaching, Motivation, EFL, International English
