"Effectiveness of Cognitively Guided instruction Practices in Below Gra" by Katherine S. Munday


Fall 12-12-2016



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

James Brickwedde, Ph.D.

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Emily Snodgrass

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Jennifer Peek


This study asked the question, What is the effect of Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) practices on the math beliefs and abilities of below grade-level second grade students? A mixed methods approach was used to measure the impact of a four-week CGI-based intervention on below grade-level second graders’ math proficiency, as well as their math affect, self-concept, and anxiety. Data was also collected on participants’ strategy sophistication, conceptual understanding, and ability to explain their thinking. Findings suggest that CGI practices led to improvement in specific math abilities in below grade-level students, including fluency and automaticity, Base 10 understanding, strategy sophistication, and conceptual understanding. They also led to higher observed levels of math affect and self-concept and reduced levels of math anxiety. These findings indicate that there is significant value in utilizing CGI-based practices with below grade-level elementary students.

Research Methodology

Case Study, Interview, Survey (attitude scale, opinion, questionnaire)



Included in

Education Commons
