"How Digital Formative Assessment Increases Student Achievement and Mot" by Jillian G. Morreim


Spring 5-13-2016



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Trish Harvey

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Anthony VonBank

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Natalie Nelson


Technology in the classroom has changed the way teachers teach and students learn. In this ever­changing field, a continual examination of the most effective methods to use technology to benefit student learning is essential. The research question addressed in this project was: what is the impact of formative assessment using iPads on student achievement and motivation? The review of the literature explored formative assessment, motivation, and technology in the classroom. In this study, qualitative and quantitative data was collected using pre­ and posttests, student surveys, and field notes over two curriculum units; in one unit, exclusively traditional formative assessment was implemented, and in the other, exclusively digital formative assessment was used. It was found that digital formative assessment, while initially requiring extra class time devoted to student mastery of the digital app itself and also requiring a shift in teacher pedagogy, increased student achievement and motivation levels.

Research Methodology

Action Research, Field Study, Survey


Assessment, Motivation, Technology

Included in

Education Commons
