"Increasing Autonomous Academic Motivation in Intermediate Elementary S" by Whitney Schill Ramirez


Spring 4-26-2016



Degree Name


Primary Advisor/Dissertation Chair

Susan L. Manikowski

Secondary Advisor/Reader One

Linda Smaller

Peer-Reviewer/Reader Two

Matthew Proulx


The research question addressed in this project was, how does a combined approach of attribution retraining and incremental theory of intelligence intervention affect levels of autonomous academic motivation in intermediate elementary students? It documents the effects on autonomous academic motivation of an adapted intervention that taught fifth graders in an inner city, dual immersion program about making controllable attributions and having an incremental theory of intelligence. The intervention was part of a preexperiment that was based on the attribution retraining work of Haynes, Ruthig, Perry, Stupnisky, and Hall (2006), as well as the incremental theory of intelligence work of Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck (2007). The quantitative, pretest/posttest data indicated that the intervention did increase autonomous academic motivation, especially for girls, in the participant group. The qualitative data analysis resulted in practical suggestions for improving the future use of the intervention.

Research Methodology

Action Research, Focus Group, Program Evaluation, Survey


Character Education, Motivation

Included in

Education Commons
