"How teaching writing strategies to emergent readers impacts their read" by Meg Hatton

How teaching writing strategies to emergent readers impacts their reading ability





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The research question addressed was, how does teaching writing strategies to emergent readers impact their reading ability? The motivating factors were the reciprocity of reading and writing, emergent literacy, and how reading acquisition can be fostered easily, with high engagement from learners. This capstone is grounded in Vygotsky's theory of the zone of proximal development as well as Marie Clay's work in reading acquisition. Ray and Glover's book Already Ready (2008) also contributed greatly to this project. This capstone details how using the strategies of interactive writing and writer's workshop have a positive impact on reading ability when working with preschoolers who have had no formal reading instruction. Interactive writing seemed to be the strategy that made the most impact on learning based on the pre- and post- assessment data that was gathered using the Observation Survey.

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