A toolkit to support content-area vocabulary instruction for students with hearing loss who receive itinerant service from a teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing





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This curriculum development involved creation of a toolkit to support content-area vocabulary instruction for students with a hearing loss who receive itinerant service from a teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing. The impetus for this capstone was the writer's experience as an itinerant teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing. Most students who receive itinerant service are able to remain in their mainstream classrooms for the majority of the day however, providing service in an itinerant setting has its own unique challenges, particularly as it relates to content-area vocabulary instruction. The author reviews current literature pertaining to content-area vocabulary instruction with a focus on word choice, instruction, and assessment. Drawing especially on the work of Flanigan and Greenwood (2007) and Marzano and Pickering (2005), she incorporates her findings into a toolkit that may be utilized by teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing who serve students in the itinerant setting.

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