What are recommended components of a guided reading lesson?
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This capstone study researches the question: What are recommended components of a guided reading lesson? It describes guided reading as a beneficial instructional approach and includes methods to establish a successful guided reading program. The methods presented are student assessment, flexible grouping, book selection and lesson development using the before, during and after the reading model. This model allows for recommended components to be implemented within each guided reading lesson. Key influences include authors such as Fountas, Pinnell, Routman, Clay, Miller, Harvey and Goudvis. The author created and implemented nine guided reading lessons using recommended components such as phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and writing. She implemented her lessons in her first grade classroom and reflected on her learnings based on the outcomes of her lessons and lesson development.
Recommended Citation
Pelinka, Sarah B., "What are recommended components of a guided reading lesson?" (2007). School of Education and Leadership Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations. 1927.