"“Use Your Teacher Voice”: How a Podcast Could Support ESOL Teachers’ V" by Veronica Green


Summer 2022


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Kari Ross

Content Expert

Sheri Lear


It is clear from the current research that there is a lack of training at all levels for teachers that are advocating for ELLs and themselves. With the changing roles and needs of ESOL teachers working with marginalized EL communities, the push for co-teaching, and the emphasis on more collaboration, this project sets out to create a podcast in order to support listener learners in finding and amplifying their voices in advocacy. With a conceptual theoretical base, Bakhtinian Dialogisim, in conjunction with the chosen Chat Show genre in podcasting, these dialogues are ripe for participants to share their stories and create new meaning. The interdependent nature of advocacy and voice research meld for this project into a strategic framework of Listen & Notice, Learn & Evaluate, and Lead & Plan to Act. The mission of this podcast project is to open up a public square dedicated to amplifying the participating educators’ and students’ voices in hosted dialogues about their unique advocacy stories geared towards an audience of ESOL and other teachers who desire to discover their own voices in their own personal advocacy stories. The podcast will be a series of mini-professional development workshops, with each weekly podcast spotlighting a storyteller-educator, building a bridge between academia and the everyday advocacy language of teachers who are dedicating themselves to the lives of marginalized children and their families. The vision of this podcast is for participants and learners to listen and notice advocacy needs in their school communities for themselves and their students. By learning from other advocacy leaders’ stories and evaluating the needs of their own personal experiences and students’ experiences, teachers will be illuminated and empowered to lead others, creating a plan of action with a list of strategies to improve the lives of their students, as well as their own.

Project Type

Podcast Creation


ESL/ ELLs, Social Justice, Advocacy AND Podcasts








School of Education Student Capstone Projects

Included in

Education Commons
