"How Reading Comprehension Strategies Support English Learners In A Pri" by Amanda Roberg


Fall 2017


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Joe Lewis

Content Expert

Vonyee Dahnkuan


English Learners (ELs) are an important and growing population of students in schools nationwide, and how they are taught can have a major impact on their academic success (of course). The overall purpose for this study is to ensure that ELs in my own classroom are taught reading comprehension strategies from an effective curriculum that meets their specific needs. The curriculum used in the school in which this study was conducted was a combination of Daily 5 and the Treasures curriculum. The question posed for my research is: “What instructional strategies are appropriate for teaching reading comprehension to second language students in an integrated primary environment?” In particular, I examine what aspects of the Daily 5 and Treasures curriculum work for ELLs in this class. The literature review for this capstone describes various literacy curricula that have been used and examines the evidence of academic success for ELs. It also describes the Daily 5 curriculum in detail, since that curriculum is used in this study. The study itself uses a mixed methods approach in which qualitative and quantitative research methods are used to analyze the success of the Daily 5 curriculum with a group of third grade EL students. Specifically, the study uses state test scores, formative assessments, student surveys, teacher surveys, and researcher observations as data. This data is analyzed in detail and I draw conclusions about the

Daily 5 curriculum in my analysis. This study suggests that while the Daily 5 curriculum has some successful components, it is generally not successful with ELs and needs to be supplemented with additional instructional strategies. Finally, the capstone provides a series of recommendations for supporting ELs in a primary integrated environment.

Project Type



Curriculum, Developmentally Appropriate Practice, ESL/ ELLs, Literacy, Teachers/ Teaching








School of Education Student Capstone Theses and Dissertations

Included in

Education Commons
