"Increasing Engagement and Comprehension Through Cooperative, Collabora" by Tarah Eck


Summer 8-31-2020


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Eck. T. Increasing Engagement And Comprehension Through Cooperative, Collaborative and Game-based Learning in a Middle School Literacy Intervention Class.

Research has demonstrated that increased engagement in learning can lead to better understanding or comprehension of the concept and materials. This capstone addressed the question: How can cooperative, collaborative and game based learning increase engagement and comprehension in a middle school literacy intervention class? The English Language Arts website designed for this project focuses on using game-based learning and collaborative and cooperative learning strategies to engage and motivate students to learn in an intervention classroom, content area classroom, and at home. Research was collected on literacy intervention programs, motivation and engagement, cooperative and collaborative learning strategies and game-based learning. The project included designing a webpage with cooperative, collaborative and game-based learning strategies and activities for students, teachers and families. The website is designed to be used in person, in the literacy intervention classroom, content area classrooms and at home. The goal of the project was to bridge the learning from the literacy intervention classroom to the general education classroom and home by providing access to the strategies, materials and activities used in the intervention setting. The website is user-friendly and designed for teachers and families to easily communicate with the intervention teacher and access materials to support their intervention student in their general education or content area classroom and at home.

Project Type

Website Creation








School of Education Student Capstone Projects
