"Examining and Leveling Hmong Children’s Books for use in the School Se" by Christine M. LaMotte

Examining and Leveling Hmong Children’s Books for use in the School Setting


Summer 2017


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Maggie Struck

Content Expert

May Lee Yang


This capstone project paper explores the need for culturally diverse books in school. Specifically, the gap examined in this paper focuses on Hmong students’ access to Hmong children’s books, written in English, in the school setting. The benefits of children reading culturally relevant literature can be multifold and powerful. Students can develop literacy skills and English skills with greater proficiency when they read culturally relevant material, (Freeman & Freeman, 2007). Beers, (2003,) explains how children can make connections to literature by relating to characters in texts who possess traits similar to themselves. When children read books that are pertinent to their lives, they have a better chance of comprehending those texts, being interested in texts, and building knowledge that allows them to become successful readers, (Beers, 2003; Freeman & Freeman, 2007). To ensure that children have the ability to read Hmong children’s books, the books in this project have been leveled using Lexile Levels and Accelerated Reader Book Levels. Fountas and Pinnell, (2006,) strongly support children reading books at their appropriate reading levels to promote reading comprehension and reading growth. Further research regarding the benefits of culturally relevant texts, the use of leveled books, and the process of leveling texts is examined in this paper as well. To address both the accessibility of Hmong children’s books and children being able to read and comprehend those books, a bibliographical list of a variety of leveled Hmong children’s books is presented in this project. Educators, as well as school librarians, looking to increase the capacity of culturally relevant children’s books in their programs may choose to integrate Hmong children’s books from this list.

Project Type

Book Study


Multicultural Education








School of Education Student Capstone Projects

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