"Supporting 3rd-Grade French Immersion Students In Literacy Via Schoolo" by Jeremy Kigin

Supporting 3rd-Grade French Immersion Students In Literacy Via Schoology, A Learning Management System


Spring 2019


Capstone Project

Degree Name



Trish Harvey

Content Expert

Mary Rddad


Research has demonstrated that the nature of literacy is rapidly changing as new technology emerges. The goal of this project was to find out if technology could provide better literacy support for students. Bringing applications like Schoology to the forefront will allow teachers to use this LMS (Learning Management System) to promote new reading and writing strategies in French. In this project, 3rd-grade students work on Phonics, Word Recognition and Liaisons in French by reading and listening to French created text and videos. French immersion students are always in need of additional support in literacy which is why I addressed this question: How can Schoology help French Immersion teachers support 3rd-grade students with the challenge of the liaison in reading and writing? By using Schoology and using differentiation within the classroom, the goal will be for students to increase their proficiency in sound recognition, reading comprehension and fluency. I believe this project will help in reducing the literacy gap between French and English overtime by maximizing each student’s growth and individual success, by meeting each student where he or she is, and by assisting them in the learning process. In order to effectively carry out this technique, teachers must know their learners well. Learning styles and preferences, background knowledge, readiness, current level of ability, motivation, and interests all need to be considered when differentiating instruction. This project will be easily shared with teachers for the benefits of their students and I believe this project is the beginning of numerous videos about the different rules and strategies of pronunciation in the French language.

Project Type

Digital and Non-Digital Literacy Material Creation


Foreign Language, Literacy, Technology








School of Education Student Capstone Projects

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