"Fantasy or reality?: critical literacy in the ESL classroom" by Sarah H. Nainby

Fantasy or reality?: critical literacy in the ESL classroom





Degree Name



This capstone asked these questions: Do secondary ESL teachers use critical literacy in their classrooms, and if so: (1) How do teachers define critical literacy and (2) How do teachers describe implementation of critical literacy pedagogy? The research in this study was conducted over several years and involved a number of different types of data collection, all of which fit into the qualitative design category. First, an online questionnaire was used. Next, the researcher conducted in-person interviews with teachers. Finally, this capstone employed auto-ethnography, the researcher's own teaching experience, as a data point. The most significant find is that teachers see functional literacy as a kind of critical literacy. The final chapter outlines an example of a literacy program and lists many resources for ESL teachers.

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